Abstract Capital
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Little More About Me
I am currently a 24 year old, 2nd year at Loyola Univ. of New Orleans College of Law, originally from Texarkana, TX, and love New Orleans. I find that I read far too many excellent things to simply keep to myself, so I like to diffuse them elsewhere for people's enjoyment, whether it be for intellectual curiosity, boosting knowledge, or for whatever individual reason.

Accentuated by these worsening economic times, despite the always high-priority I assign to having a job and especially doing whatever one can to ensure to the very best of one's ability wealth and material happiness, notwithstanding those extremely valuable components of life, I've become more acutely aware of the even higher importance of the most precious things in the big picture, which I've always dubbed "abstract capital" - relationships, liberal behavior, what our bourgeois consumer society calculatingly and somewhat emasculatingly markets as "the small things" in life.

I am ethnically Chilean-American, but I think there is so much beauty in the world I don't predicate very much of my behavior or identity from my ethnicity. If forced I'd generally self-identify as a libertarian. Learning how to grow up in terms of holding one's own socially, and especially developing a basic understanding of personal finance, and learning how to scope out truly worthwhile good deals and hardy knowledge in everyday personal finance, has especially played a key role in my life, more recently.

My interests are very diverse, and summed up I'm just endlessly fascinated by any field that studies human behavior. I like most sports like any guy. I really enjoy post-modern philosophy, but haven't been able to read much in the last year because of law school, and it's probably a good thing, because at a certain point self-discovery has to balance with reasonable limits. I debated in high school and college, and am fascinated by the role language plays in terms of power relations. While I have only a very limited understanding of economics, I enjoy reading quirky economic news and emerging theories. Ditto for anything related to the nature of our universe and anthropology. I put a very high premium on being a good communicator, and am always trying to find ways to be a better one, my most recent hobby has been reading & one day getting certified in NLP, I very much like to read anything relating to human psychology, and I love, most of the time, to exercise.

Behavior governs everything we do, and most of the time I will aspire to ruminate about the value of our everyday lives' abstract capital to heighten our everday consciousness of what's still good in life. When I can't bring myself to, or when there are more out-of-the-ordinary things to talk about, we'll go another direction, and based on your responses, we will go in any direction you all want, this is your vessel, readers. I hope this has been interesting and that you have a better understanding of where I come from!

And now, more interesting articles that you might enjoy!

Newsweek: Financing Through Exercise & Trainers Tell the 5 Worst Gym Machines

Newsweek: You Have Your Job, Now What to do to Keep Sane

Salon: The Virginity Fetish - Why Cultures Obsess over Being a Virgin & Sexual Virginity

Salon: Notre Dame's Stand Against Catholic Fundamentalism

TIME: Why Wal-Mart's First India Store, Isn't a Wal-Mart (interesting expose of how protectionist economic policies pass on unnecessary higher costs and inferior products on to domestic consumers)

TIME: Carrotbombs vs. Boycotts, & a New Form of Progressive Consumer Activism

Us News: Financial Planning Advice for 20-somethings

Us News: Lessons from the Earth's Most Murderous Tribe, & Why Western Expansion Could be a Good Thing

Us News: Involved, Not Volatile or Authoritative, Dads Lower Their Kids' Sex Risks

Us News: Meet India's first Porn Star, a Cartoon (good example of how criminalizing goods or services sought by natural, normal human activity creates some different-strokes-for-different-folks strange black markets)

Us News: Defending Pinochet (I will admit my bias, while I think Pinochet should have retired power in the mid 80s instead of 1988, in the wider scheme of things I'm of the persuasion he net-benefitted Chile with the introduction of neo-liberal "rules of the game", despite this, please feel free to disagree!)

Us News: Chile's Secret Laws

Us News: Is Chile Heading Towards the Right?

ESPN: Commisioner Selig Says Don't Be Afraid of Failure, Dream Big Despite Hard Times

YouTube: Soldier Fights in Pink Boxers (everyone needs a laugh)
posted by Flaco @ 6:52 PM  

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Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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