Abstract Capital
Friday, May 29, 2009
Trip Update & More Good Reading
Slate: Big Food Latches onto "Local"

Slate: Do Hispanic & Latino Mean the Same Thing?

Slate: What to Avoid on E-Bay, and What is Still Worth Buying on It

Slate: The Profits of Bankruptcy

Slate: The Quirky Genius of the New Dos Equis Ad Campaign

Slate: What Makes Academic Labs so Dangerous to Work In?

Slate: How Gore Screwed up Cable Regulation

Salon: Ethnic Profiling Doesn't Stop Terrorism

Salon: Author Who Predicted Katrina-New Orleans, Makes His Next Prediction

Salon: Global Warming Kills 300,000 a year

Prometheus: Does Global Warming Really Kill 300,000 a year? A Critique of Kofi Annan's Statistical Methodology

NYT: The Downside of Feedback

CSMonitor: Mining the Ocean Floor

CSMonitor: Ocean Power

CSMonitor: Can a City Shrink its way to Success?

CSMonitor: Why are German Workers Striking Like French Workers?

CSMonitor: Police Tasers - Excessive Force or Necessary Tool?

CSMonitor: Good Ways to Deliver Bad Business News

CSMonitor: Who will Pay for Mounting Federal and Trade Deficits?

CSMonitor: Chevron Fights Massive Lawsuit in Ecuador

CSMonitor: How Dangerous is Texting While Driving?

Mother Jones: Are Starbucks and Whole Foods Union Busters?

Mother Jones: Farmers' Market vs. Farmers Market

TIME: How the NFL's Behemoth Offensive Linemen are Healthier Than You Think

New Republic: Where Hip-Hop is "Going" and Where it Never Was

New Yorker: Is letting Companies Fail Really a Moral Hazard?

Newsweek: Does Announcing Your Goals Help You Succeed?

Newsweek: Why Some Mentally Ill Patients are Rejecting Meds and Making the Case for "Mad Pride"

Newsweek: Can you Copyright a Twitter?

Newsweek: Why we Love Spelling Bees

Us News: Researchers Study Collective Psychology

Us News: Deceptive "Greenwashing", Aims to Trick Eco-Tourists

Us News: The Ecological Risks and Health Effects of Bright Nights

Us News: Obama's Proposed Strict Vehicle Emissions Limits

Us News: Crime & Picasso - The Black Market in Art

The Atlantic: What Makes a Good Food City?

The Atlantic: Caring for Your Introvert

The Atlantic: When Agriculture is Outsourced

The Atlantic: Is Mere Proximity to Fast-Food Bad for Kids?

The Atlantic: Cheerios - Cereal or Cholesterol Drug?

FP: Can Counter-Insurgency Ever be used Again?

The Root: Obama is Not Spock

Double X: When Mothers Hide Behind their Children on Facebook

Double-X: Why Some Recessed Are Sticking it out in Expensive Big Cities

I've decided after this collection of fine reading, that I'll update on my trip to see the family in Delaware on my next post, hopefully tomorrow, with pictures too!
posted by Flaco @ 9:02 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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