Abstract Capital
Friday, October 23, 2009
Economist: Baggage fees and complaints

Economist: National wealth and holiday entitlement - Clocking off

Slate: How did Russians get so good at chess?

Slate: How the Internet has democratized drinking

Slate: Paul Clement schools the high court on why some attorneys are worth every penny.

Slate: Do criminals with Asperger's syndrome deserve special treatment?

Slate: Hey, blogger! The consumer protection police would like a word with you.

CNN: Obama on offensive for consumer protection

CNN: Colombian hitmen reveal horror of the kill

Economist: Extradition - Succumb and deliver

Slate: Slate readers submit their to-do-list techniques

Economist: The World Bank-IMF meetings: Money, votes and politics

Slate: How does fair-use law work?

Slate: How to fix the WNBA.

Economist: The Roman Catholic and Anglican churches - Unleashing the Counter-Reformation

Economist: Mass extinctions - I am become Death, destroyer of worlds

Economist: The life and views of Ayn Rand - Capitalism's martyred hero

Economist: Countries' self-image - National pride

Economist: From the archive - It's later than Mao thinks

Economist: Gambling in Delaware

CNN: 10 secret menu items at fast food restaurants

Newsweek: James Murdoch's (and News Corp.'s) War on the BBC

Newsweek: Why Women Have Sex

Economist: Schumpeter - Hating what you do

Economist: The Arctic - Mirror, mirror on the wall

Slate: Cynical reporters have a soft spot for anybody who claims victimhood

Slate: Will Obama's new medical marijuana directive actually change anything?

TIME: America's Booming White Enclaves

Atlantic: When To Worry About The Dollar

Economist: Income concentration - Top heavy

Newsweek: The Science of Shampoo - What the Ingredients Mean

TIME: Students Paid to Go to Class and Get Good Grades

Slate: Why women might make better judges

TIME: Detroit’s domestic-abuse dilemma

Economist: The cash value of awards - Prize money

Slate: How do we get bikers to obey traffic laws?

CNN: 6 simple ways to save energy at home

CSMonitor: Latin America breaks ranks in US war on drugs

Newsweek: How Europe's Right Stole the Left

Slate: A primer on the word racism

Economist: Easter Island - Rapa Nui déjà vu

Economist: Asian currencies - Hot air

Newsweek: Free Trade Policy - Intelligence Squared Debate

Slate: Does poverty make people obese, or is it the other way around?

CSMonitor: In China, a yearning to buy Park Place

CNN: Spanish poet's remains set to be exhumed

CSMonitor: Yearning for the Golan Heights - Why Syria wants it back

Atlantic: An Olive Education

TIME: Wikipedia's New Policy - Wales Says Clampdown Incorrect

Slate: How doctors decide what form a drug will take

TIME: How to Lose Weight - Avoid Skinny Overeaters

Atlantic: The State of Journalism in the Post-Journalism Age

Slate: Donald Kagan's Thucydides - The Reinvention of History.

Atlantic: ¡Hola, Hezbollah!

Economist: Gold - Bullion bulls

Atlantic: Where the Kids Are Heading (Magnet Cities)

Slate: Get ready for the rebirth of cider in America

Newsweek: Supreme Court to Hear Animal Sex Fetish Case

Economist: An assault on online piracy in China - Public morals and private property

Slate: Whatever happened to the hole in the ozone layer?

Slate: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce must be stopped. Here's how to do it.

CNN: D.C. hotel lobbies - Rub elbows with power brokers

Salon: A glossary of terms in foreign affairs

Economist: Teaching entrepreneurship - Nature or nurture?

TIME: Do 'Clean' Smells Encourage Clean Behavior?

Slate: Can you tell if a man is dangerous just by looking at his face?

Economist: Barack Obama and Guantánamo - Better safe than sorry

CNN: Should you sacrifice love for work?

Economist: 2016 Olympic bid - Olympic losers

Slate: How does interpretation work at the United Nations?

Slate: Is visual training the sports world's next big thing?

Atlantic: How the West Was Wired

CNN: Viral Web site mocks Wal-Mart customers

CNN: Pretty women can be hard to be friends with

CNN: Pot farms run by 'bad guys' getting closer to tourist spots

ESPN: Yale Bulldogs' Patrick Witt and Harvard Crimson's Andrew Hatch trade in the BCS for the Ivy League

TIME: What Price for Good Coffee?

Atlantic: A Spice You Can Find In Your Backyard

Economist: Idea - Decentralisation

TIME: From Macroeconomics to Freakonomics

Newsweek: The Sultan of Brunei's Legal Feud With His Brother

CNN: Brooklyn family keeps Latino-Jewish traditions alive

FP: Mean Groups

Slate: The American Way of Dentistry - The story of my teeth

Economist: Idea - The halo effect

Economist: Of debt and deadbeats

Economist: Which MBA?

Economist: History Wars

Economist: China's other face - The red and the black

FP: The Top 10 Craziest Things Ever Said at the U.N. General Assembly

Newsweek: Europe's Pirate Parties Prepare to Board Ballots

CSMonitor: South America - Will defense spending trigger an arms race?

ESPN: Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks owner - Supervised use of steroids for injury recovery could make sense

CSMonitor: Honduran military - An institution against democracy?

ESPN: Hispanic influence on college hoops grows

CNN: An uphill battle to combat Latino childhood obesity

CNN: 'But what's a Latino?'

NPR: Baseball Clubs Pitch Players A Menu Change

Newsweek: How Oakland Is Leading Marijuana Legalization

SI: Bruce Bowen created legacy more enduring than his NBA career

CNN: Latinos are assimilating in the USA

CNN: Latino farmers' discrimination suit back in court

Atlantic: J Street's Ben-Ami On Zionism and Military Aid to Israel

Economist: Madagascar and regional diplomacy - Coups can still pay

CNN: Doctor says near-death experiences are in the mind

TIME: Disney Wins with Stars like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez

FP: China's New Colonialism

Atlantic: Who Is Lobbying Against Sex-Ed?

TIME: Pope Benedict XVI to Welcome Anglicans to Catholicism

CNN: Latinos may be 'future' of U.S. Catholic Church

Economist: Marriage in America - Third time lucky

CSMonitor: Apple Mac ownership climbing fast, study shows

CNN: Weekly paper seeks medical marijuana dispensary reviewer

Newsweek: Pot Propaganda - A Photographic History
posted by Flaco @ 4:23 PM   0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
In the interest of school this blog is going on hiatus until December.


posted by Flaco @ 11:20 AM   0 comments
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Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
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Quote of the Month

Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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