Abstract Capital
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Slate: Oceans, reviewed

TIME: The Man Who Invents Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavors

Slate: Slate's interactive test of how open-minded your news diet is

Slate: The beaches along the Eastern seaboard are about to disappear, says one EPA scientist. Why isn't anyone listening?

FP: The world has a lot of problems. An exploding population isn't one of them - Disproving Malthus

FP: Add ‘Dark Knight’ to the BD terrorism film festival? This reader isn’t joking

FP: Eleven Reasons Plutarch & Herodotus Still Matter

Newsweek: Ancient Greece and Us

Slate: Why Texas is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation

Atlantic: Why Kennedy Owns the Supreme Court

CSMonitor: US engineers study Chile earthquake to bolster California building codes

CSMonitor: Chile earthquake takes heavy toll on historical sites

Economist: Rebuilding Chile - Taxing times: A balanced reconstruction plan

CSMonitor: Pirates - Why don’t more ships have private security?

Mental Floss: The Ins & Outs of Exotic Animal Smuggling

Slate: What do directors of TV series like Lost and Mad Men do? Are they like movie directors?

CSMonitor: OAS reelects Insulza, but is the world's oldest regional group still relevant?

Economist: Chile's wine industry - If one green bottle: A propaganda war over earthquake damage to wineries

CNNMoney: China & the Yuan - What's at Stake

Economist: America & the Yuan - The truth hurts: Will the Treasury call China a currency manipulator?

Slate: Why the next justice won't be like William Brennan

Slate: Looking ahead to Justice Antonin Scalia's retirement

Economist: Wars and laws - To the loser—a lawyer: Win or lose, you may still be able to sue

Slate: The sad state of the liberal law student

Slate: The Supreme Court tangles with mandatory arbitration clauses

Slate: Which illegal drug is best for the environment?

Salon: Drugs - Legalize Marijuana

CNN: Indoor tanning linked to addictive behaviors

Atlantic: Stevens Retires - The End of "Old School" On the Court

TIME: World's Strongest Beer - BrewDog's Alcohol Heads to U.S.

Slate: Conan's move to TBS is brilliant—and not just because he'll make a fortune

Slate: The life story of a hyena

Slate: The life story of a jellyfish

Slate: Did George Will's Men at Work anticipate baseball's statistical revolution?

Economist: Defining what makes a country - In quite a state: How many countries in the world? The answer to that question is surprisingly difficult

Big Money: The Myth of the Sophisticated Investor

Economist: Libya - Why it is still stuck: Despite opening up to the world, Libya still suffers from capricious leadership

Slate: Newsweek has fallen down and can't get up

Nature: How do Morals Change?

Economist: The Vatican's travails - When walls are too high: A penchant for conspiracy is no help to the Vatican’s image

CNN: Gay outrage over Cardinal's child abuse comment

Newsweek: Catholics - Time to Break Up the All-Male Club

Newsweek: Can You Afford To Be A Summer Intern?

Economist: A reader debate on Islamic finance - Suckers for sukuk?

Slate: Is Google's Eric Schmidt scared of Apple's Steve Jobs?

New Yorker: David Simon’s “Treme,” on HBO, Review

Slate: David Simon's Treme reviewed

Slate: Is David Simon's Treme too easy on New Orleans?

Slate: Sarah Palin's playground - If only all political issues were debated in the language of childhood

Newsweek: Touchy-Feely Food Memoirs

Newsweek: Are Tea Partiers Racist?

Newsweek: New Poll Finds Tea Partiers Have More Racist Attitudes

Economist: Portland and “elite cities” - The new model: Is Oregon’s metropolis a leader among American cities or just strange?

Economist: Social mobility and inequality - Upper bound: The American dream is simple - Work hard and move up. As the country emerges from recession, the reality looks ever more complicated

New Yorker: Anglicanism & the Church of England - The battle within the Church of England to allow women to be bishops

CSMonitor: Oil rig explosion unmasks 'dangerous myth' of safety, lawmakers say

Slate: What happens to the oil they're skimming off of the Gulf of Mexico?

Slate: When did the Gulf oil spill become visible from space?

FP: Has the "Left", 'lost' a monopoly on human rights?

FP: Does India Still Need a Hindu Nationalist Party?

Slate: What's the Matter With Virginia? - Political backsliding in the Old Dominion

Newsweek: The Problem With Confederate History Month

CNN: Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

SI: Ron Artest among leaders in art of playing NBA perimeter defense

New Republic: In Defense of Huggy Bear

Slate: Does the Vatican conduct all of its official business in Latin?

Slate: Can the Pope revoke someone's sainthood?

Slate: Can doctors refuse to treat patients based on their political beliefs?

Slate: How far does diplomatic immunity go?

Slate: Felipe Calderon criticized Arizona's immigration law for being discriminatory. How tough are Mexican immigration laws?

Mental Floss: What’s the Difference? Yoga vs. Pilates

Mental Floss: 10 Latin Phrases You Pretend to Understand

Mental Floss: What’s the Difference? World Bank vs. the International Monetary Fund

Mental Floss: What’s the Difference? Blimp vs. Zeppelin

Slate: Globalization is - The Colombian office of an Indian consulting firm staffed partly with Uruguayans and reporting to a boss in Argentina.

New Republic: How Wall Street Creates Socialists

Slate: Can you force yourself to dream?

Economist: Desegregation & Schools - No easy answers: Has Wake County thrown out the baby with the bathwater?

Newsweek: Why Young Women Need Feminism

TIME: Should Kids Be Bribed to Do Well in School?

TIME: Two Yale Economists Urge Leverage for Young Investors

Economist: Small-business finance - Markets for minnows: New financing markets offer a ray of hope to credit-starved small firms

NYT: The Paper Debate & College Debate

Examiner: Postmodernism - Absolute freedom without absolute truth

CNN: 'Geek Out!:' Technology and the supernatural on 'Lost' island

Slate: Maybe America doesn't want a hogtied judicial branch after all

Slate: Elena Kagan is a progressive on executive power

American Interest: Liberal Internationalism - The Twilight of a Dream

FP: Justice Stevens and the "War on Terror"

New Yorker: The Stevens Way of Retiring

Newsweek: Justice Stevens & the Benefits of a Boring Court

Slate: Justice John Paul Stevens is the model for why empathy matters

CNN: In digital world, we trade privacy for convenience

Atlantic: SEC Suing Goldman for Fraud

MLB: Is Lagging Attendance a Crisis or Fluke?

Winston-Salem Journal: (New) Coach Bdelik settling in

ESPN: Ice Cube talks film, & his Oakland Raiders

SI: Athletes will misbehave, we need to accept that & enjoy sports

ESPN: The NFL's Roger Goodell and the NBA's David Stern take dramatically different approaches to disciplining their players, and Stern's way seems wiser

CNN: 5 gripes about the health care law - Are doctors right?

TIME: U.S. Expat Taxes Drive Americans to Give Up Citizenship

Slate: Are there no hipsters in China? Why Chinese bicyclists have resisted the ironic fixed-gear trend that has swept the rest of the world

Economist: Mexico's culture wars - Metrosexuality: As the capital grows more liberal, conservatives are rallying elsewhere

Economist: Intransigent Cuba - Protest songs: Grumbling is not the same as dissent

Economist: Bolivia's president & his Opponents - People's justice: Will opponents get a fair trial?
posted by Flaco @ 6:03 PM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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