Abstract Capital
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ABA-Journal: Law Prof Backs First Amendment Over Ban of R-Word

Economist: Canadian cities - The charms of Calgary

SI: Gary Williams defends Maryland's student-athletes

Slate: The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition

Slate: What's wrong with the FCC's plan to bring high-speed Internet access to rural America

Slate: Why are Americans so credulous about heaven?

Slate: Inside Pyongyang, the North Korean chain with restaurants across Asia

Chronicle of Higher Education: On Universities & Higher Education

New Yorker: What will the Supreme Court be like without Justice John Paul Stevens?

Atlantic: Macau’s Big Gamble

Economist: Assassinations

Economist: Assassinations & Technology - Hitmen Old & New

Economist: Latin America's Unproductive Economies - Service break

New Republic: 1937, 2010 - Is Packing the Supreme Court Such an Atrocity?|

WSJ Law Blog: Will the Citizens United Ruling Prove Harmful to Capitalism?

New Republic: Do Americans Want To Tax The Rich Because They're Ignorant?

CSMonitor: Will the student aid bill help with your college costs?

CNNMoney: How well is the SEC protecting you?

TIME: McDonald's Chef - The Most Influential Cook in America?

Atlantic: Australia’s bush meat is tasty, healthy, and enviro-friendly. But can you get people to eat it?

FP: Which country do Americans like the most?

Slate: Kentucky's John Calipari is the sleaziest coach in a sleazy game

Slate: The devils behind Subway's "five-dollar foot-long" jingle

New Republic: The Inhumanities of the Humanities

Atlantic: The Ramayana on the Big Screen

New Republic: Well, What I’ve Always Wanted to Do Is Direct - Remember when political kids used to be content inheriting Senate seats?

Economist: Argentina under the Kirchners - Socialism for foes, capitalism for friends

Economist: Latin American literature after the "boom"

Slate: Why is Chile so long and skinny?

CSMonitor: Chile earthquake - 'Looters run wild'? Not quite.

Economist: Chile's new government - Running to rebuild a shaken country

Slate: Chile will survive the earthquake because its democracy works

Slate: Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well. Iran would be a different story

WSJ Law Blog: With Microsoft & Antitrust, Shoe Now on Other Foot

New Republic: Book Review - Justice Kennedy

New Republic: Just how radical is Justice Roberts?

FP: The History of the Honey Trap - Five lessons for would-be James Bonds and Bond girls -- and the men and women who would resist them

ESPN: Grading South Africa's World Cup Stadiums

New Republic: Toward a New Alexandria - Imagining the future of libraries

Atlantic: What's So Special About 'Alice in Wonderland'?

Slate: What happened to 'save the whales'?

Slate: Why does drug reporting suck?

TIME: Study - Titanic, Lusitania Disaster Survival Differences

TIME: Study - Darkness Encourages Dishonest Behavior, Cheating

New Yorker: Can nuclear power make a comeback?

CNN: The case for captive animals

FP: Why Latin America doesn't care what the US thinks anymore

Economist: The price of Chile's earthquake

CSMonitor: Chile earthquake relief - Cellphone donations struggle compared to Haiti

Economist: Chile's earthquake - In need of repair

New Yorker: Can psychiatry be called a 'science'?

Slate: The telltale bagel & the secret moral hierarchy of the New York Post

CSMonitor: Dark matter revealed? - Giant particle collider at CERN could detect dark matter

Slate: Why pledges to "clean up Washington" never work

New Yorker: Is long-term solitary confinement torture?

Economist: France & Vichy - Remembering the Vel d'Hiv

Slate: A federal court rebukes a district attorney who cracked down on three girls over seminude photos

Slate: Can a family court prevent a parent from taking his daughter to church?

Economist: German dialects and migration - Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Slate: Let's trade with Iran. After all, Iranians love to shop, and Americans love to sell

FP: What Happened to New York's moxie?

Slate: Israel & liberal Jews are moving apart

Slate: The United States won't bomb Iran, but another country might

CSMonitor: Innovation center? How Israel became a 'Start-Up Nation'

Slate: If a NASCAR driver died in a crash, would the racer who caused it be liable?

Economist: Health reform in America - Signed, sealed, delivered

CSMonitor: What is "Theory"?

New Republic: Oh, the Humanities! What are Humanities Good For?

Slate: Can governors tell their attorneys general what to do?

NYT: The Sandra Bullock Trade

Newsweek: The Link Between Engineers & Jihad

Slate: How do you become a lawyer for the Vatican?

Slate: Why are so many Duke Blue Devils awesome in college and awful in the pros?

ESPN: Dual-nationals face a tough decisions in the World Cup

SI: NBA coaches hold toughest jobs in sports

Slate: The Supreme Court shortlist as political anthropology

CNN: Is Digg the future of social news?

New Yorker: The sociology of drinking

TIME: Do animals commit suicide? Yes says one expert

Slate: A short guide to financial regulatory reform

Newsweek: Greenspan Explains What Went Wrong

Slate: What Lewis Carroll Taught Us - Alice's creator knew all about role-playing

Slate: What makes a horrible film great?

New Republic: French culture & colonialism

Slate: A real-life soldier says The Hurt Locker is based on his life. How will the court decide?

Slate: The life story of the eel - One of nature's most disgusting creatures

New Yorker: How Paul Krugman found politics

Economist: New York's troubled politicians - The fall of the Harlem Clubhouse

New Yorker: When podiatrists break the law

Slate: The tricks Congress uses to get better CBO scores for their legislation

Economist: New Orleans Police & Scandal

CSMonitor: Has blogging peaked?

FP: What do people in the Falklands Islands think about the oil dispute with Argentina?

New Republic: A Critical Analysis of Palinspeak

New Republic: California's Gubernatorial Race - Governor Moonbeam vs. EMeg

Economist: California's Gubernatorial Race - The Other Brown

New Republic: O.J. Simpson, critical race theory, the law, and the triumph of color in America

CSMonitor: Daylight Saving Time - Remind me again why we 'spring forward'?

Newsweek: Why Behavioral Economists Love Online Games

Atlantic: Will the Right Find Libertarianism?

TIME: Jobs Are The New Assets

New Yorker: Ian Paisley Steps Down

Slate: How Obama can get behind the idea of limited government

New Republic: Jean-Paul Sartre & Simone De Beauvoir (Video)

New Republic: South Dakota Makes A Play For Dumbest State In The Nation

Economist: Time for India to get serious about its Maoist insurgencies

Economist: Detroit - Thinking about Shrinking?

Slate: Can the pope be fired?

New Republic: Stoicism & Us

CSMonitor: Calvinism is Back

CSMonitor: All About New Calvinism

Slate: What does a congressional "whip" actually do?

TIME: 'Whip Smart' - Melissa Febos on Her NYC Dominatrix Memoir

ESPN: Meet the Clippers' new GM
posted by Flaco @ 6:42 PM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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