Abstract Capital
Monday, January 25, 2010
Slate: (Primer) - The Supreme Court Gets Ready To Turn on the Corporate Fundraising Spigot

Newsweek: The Sweeping Impact of SCOTUS's Campaign-Spending Decision

New Yorker: A Bad Judgment

TIME: Supreme Court Campaign-Finance Ruling - Big Business Win?

CSMonitor: Supreme Court - Campaign-finance limits violate free speech

Slate: The misguided theories behind Citizens United v. FEC

Salon: This Week in Crazy - Clarence Thomas: The Supreme Court judge brings insanity to the campaign finance decision, and inaugurates our new weekly feature

Atlantic: It's Not Crazy To Say That Corporate Ads Count As Associational Speech

Newsweek: Volcker - Bernanke Didn't Go Far Enough

Economist: Obama and the banks - Glass-Steagall lite

Atlantic: Don't Celebrate Obama's New Bank Breaking Effort Yet

WSJ: Obama Proposes New Bank Regulations

Salon: Conan O'Brien & the End of "The Tonight Show"

New Republic: Rogue State - A Case Against Delaware

New Republic: Meditations On Dostoyevsky

TIME: Indira Gandhi - Death in the Garden

TIME: Q&A - Is There Life After Death?

FP: The Real Jimmy Carter - America’s 39th president was not the weak and ineffective leader of popular caricature. But Barack Obama could still learn from his failings.

Economist: Chile's presidential election - Piñera promises a gallop

USAToday: 'Lost' philosophy - Something to think about

Newsweek: The Psychology of Missed Field Goals - Was Nate Kaeding's Performance Part of a Choking Outbreak?

New Republic: The Conservative Turn - Whittaker Chambers, and the Lessons of Anti-Communism (Book Review)

Slate: Haiti's Other Towns after the earthquake

Economist: Pets in the recession - Howls for help

Economist: Antitrust law and football - Out of many, one: Is the NFL more than the sum of its parts?

TIME: Why Air America Will Be Missed

Atlantic: Will Obama's Bank Plan End Moral Hazard?

FP: How the Court's campaign-finance ruling will damage our credibility
posted by Flaco @ 1:05 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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