Abstract Capital
Monday, January 4, 2010
Economist: Marine archaeology - Davy Jones's lock-up: Underwater robots can help study the world’s shipwrecks, a trove of information about the past, more easily and cheaply

CSMonitor: Organic coffee - Why Latin America's farmers are abandoning it

Economist: The idea of progress - Onwards and upwards: Why is the modern view of progress so impoverished?

Salon: What Does Avatar Tell Us About Masculinity and Disability?

Economist: Being foreign - The Others: It is becoming both easier and more difficult to experience the thrill of being an outsider

Slate: How the new cable wars will hurt consumers - How the conflicts among News Corp., Time Warner, and Comcast will hurt consumers

Big Money: Does Boycotting Big Banks Make Sense? No. (Sorry, Arianna.)

Newsweek: Fukuyama - History Is Still Over: How capitalism survived the crisis.

CSMonitor: Frustrated black youths take to the Internet

FP: Limbo World - Dispatches from Countries That Do Not Exist: They start by acting like real countries, then hope to become them..

New Republic: COIN Toss - The cult of counterinsurgency

FP: When economists should stay away from political analysis..

FP: Model Behavior - Political scientists Stephen Majeski and David Sylvan question the usefulness of Bruce Bueno de Mesquita's predictioneering

Salon: Inside the hermit kingdom - A rare and fascinating glimpse of the lives of ordinary North Koreans

Salon: Singing the American zeitgeist blues - The end of U.S. intellectual hegemony? The downfall of the Western worker? As 2009 closes, everyone has a sob story..

Slate: Why do college students get such long winter vacations?

Slate: Why do so many terrorists have engineering degrees?

Slate: Siberia - Where Russia Meets China: Don't Call Them Twin Cities

Slate: Siberia - Where Russia Meets China: Why Are Siberian Russians Drawn to China?

Slate: Siberia - Where Russia Meets China: Vladivostok's Used-Car Dealers are Mad as Hell

Slate: Siberia - Where Russia Meets China: China - Russia's Land of Opportunity

New Republic: The Year's Biggest Ideas in Economics

CSMonitor: Supreme Court drops key case on limits of immunity for prosecutors - Prosecutors alleged to have framed two innocent men for a murder agreed on a $12 million settlement Monday. A Supreme Court ruling could have clarified the limits of immunity for prosecutors – a legal issue that had even the Obama administration commenting on the case..
posted by Flaco @ 11:47 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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