Abstract Capital
Friday, September 18, 2009
NYT: Overspending on Debit Cards Is a Boon for Banks

NPR: What Walt Disney Learned From South America

Slate: Do American doctors get paid too much?

NPR: Taking Doctors' Profits Out Of Medical Care Decisions

NPR: Rights Analyst Suspended Over Nazi-Era Collection

CSMonitor: Gaza war analyst - Does his Nazi-era collection indicate bias?

CNN: How to prevent a medical bill disaster

CNN: How to pack for vacation

Slate: Is detaining someone against their will ever legal?

NYorker: Are Obama's Judges Really Liberal?

TIME: Living Through a Recession Can Have Lasting Impact on the Young

TIME: Do You Have the Right to Flip Off a Cop?

Slate: How to tell a West Coast businessman from an East Coast businessman.

Slate: Glenn Beck says Cass Sunstein wants to give animals the right to sue humans. Really?

Economist: How strong is Obama's Belief in Free Trade?

Slate: What Facebook can learn from Gmail

Atlantic: Should we forget about democracy sometimes, in the name of stability in weak states?

Atlantic: Huntington Reviewed

Slate: Greed and fear often trump American companies' commitment to free speech.

Slate: If a charity spends less than half its funds on its programs, does that mean it's ineffective?

Slate: Do they Photoshop pictures of outer space?

Slate: Are blackboards greener than whiteboards?

Slate: How should the greatest tennis player on earth talk about his own greatness?

Atlantic: Should Jews Be Liberals?

Economist: The Age of Hostility - The New Merger Wave may bring more hostile takeovers than ever

Economist: Obama & free trade - A protectionist move that is bad politics, bad economics, bad diplomacy and hurts America. Did we miss anything?

CNN: Merrill bonus ruling marks latest setback for the SEC

Slate: Private health insurers charge more to give you less.

Economist: Carmakers have escaped calamity. Now they face a big, long-term problem: people are moving to smaller vehicles

Economist: Schumpeter, the Economist's newest column

NPR: Greener Houston Grapples With Diversity And Sprawl

Atlantic: The Menu of Malpractice Reforms

NPR: Fantasy Football - Increasingly A Woman's Game, Too

Atlantic: Does Homework Work?

CNN: Enforcing bedtimes improves kids' health

Slate: How do psychologists know that babies who are spanked become more aggressive toddlers?

CNN: Spanking detrimental to children, study says

CNN: A Look at Global Health-Care Systems

TIME: Teen Acne & Depression - Can Mood Worsen Skin?

FP: Putting the Human Rights Back in Human Rights Council

NRepublic: Better Regulate than Never

FP: Should we Scrap Foggy Bottom?
posted by Flaco @ 4:07 AM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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