Abstract Capital
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Economist: UNESCO and World Heritage Sites & the limits of soft cultural power

Economist: Scotus decides whether speech curbs are constitutional

Atlantic: Peerless in Seattle

Economist: Theories on Corporate Governance

FP: How China Cooks its Books (on Currency & Trade)

Slate: Pearl Jam's brilliant new single, brought to you by Target.

Atlantic: Judges are getting angry at the financial community

Atlantic: The GOP & Fiscal Conservatism

Economist: Black cowboys - Urban rodeo

Economist: Spain's judiciary - Judge Garzón in the dock

Slate: What kind of environmental impact do toilets have?

Slate: How good does a tennis pro have to be to make a living?

Atlantic: Hollywood Hates Capitalism

Economist: The People's Republic at 60 - A harmonious and stable crackdown

Economist: French criminal justice - A delicate judgment

NRepublic: What is Judicial Originalism?

Economist: Venezuela and Colombia - Politics versus trade

Slate: More Americans over age 50 are smoking marijuana than ever before. Are my parents among them?

Atlantic: Filing Bankruptcy as a Rich Person

Economist: Strife in Yemen - The world's next failed state?

Atlantic: Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy

Atlantic: The Rise of the Professional Blogger

CNN: Newcastle relegated after final day defeat

TIME: The NHS - Can Socialized Health Care Be Cost-Effective?

NPR: Beyond Earbuds - What's Next For The IPod?

CNN: Charming Gdansk full of 20th-century history

CNN: Fasting carries risk of overeating

Atlantic: Experimenting w/Ice Cream

Economist: Music Festivals - Big Bucks for Small Towns

Atlantic: Another reason to hate protectionism

CNN: Libertarian Ideas to Stimulate the Economy

ESPN: Off Base - Flying high with (the) Seattle Pilots

CSMonitor: Micronesia - Another kind of Sept. 11

Slate: Does Norway engage in international espionage?

Economist: America and eastern Europe - End of an affair?

Slate: Welcome to Yahoo! U

Atlantic: Rise of the Band Geek

Double-X: The Dirty Little Secrets of Yoga Teachers

FP: The bizarre relationship of Hugo Chavez and Oliver Stone

CSMonitor: How real is District 9?

TIME: Fantasy Football - It's Called Fantasy for a Reason

Newsweek: New Edition of 'Frankenstein' Clarifies Authorship

TIME: Fortress Asia - Is a Powerful New Trade Bloc Forming?

TIME: Ze Frank on Labor Day and Socialism (Video)

TIME: Jay Leno - New TV Show a Gamble for NBC
posted by Flaco @ 10:31 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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