Abstract Capital
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Atlantic: Management Secrets of the Grateful Dead

Atlantic: Getting Good Restaurant Service - Insiders Spill

Slate: Amnesty International has lost sight of its original purpose

Slate: Love those "tempestuous" Russian figure skaters

The Root: Celebrating Candomblé in Bahia

Newsweek: The National Endowment for the Arts New Troublemaker - Rocco Landesman

New Republic: Liberals & Libertarian voters finally break up

Salon: The key to understanding the populist right's accusations that Obama is a socialist

Slate: In biographies for children, presidents are great even before they become president

Slate: A Discussion about '90s Women in Rock

Slate: Why isn't tear gas illegal? It's a chemical weapon, isn't it?

Slate: Barack Obama momentarily drops his outrage over banker bonuses

Atlantic: Where To Try KSM And The 9/11 Conspirators? Political Pros And Cons

Newsweek: The Death of the Biopic

TIME: Why Can't Women Ski Jump in the Olympics?

Economist: Old dogs and new tricks - In many prosperous democracies, a crisis-driven backlash against the political right failed to materialize. Why so?
posted by Flaco @ 12:48 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Slate: Lost - Farewell to an American institution

FA: Obama's Tango - Restoring U.S. Leadership in Latin America

Atlantic: How to Think About - Jewish Bankers

Economist: Regulating banks - Garrottes and sticks: The first of four articles on the implications of the Volcker rule examines reactions on Wall Street

CNN: Fact Check - U.S. food policies directly contribute to Haiti's poverty

The Onion (Parody): New Law Requires Women To Name Baby, Paint Nursery Before Getting Abortion

Above the Law: JD / MBA of the Day: Jonathan Eakman, With A Big FU to SMU

Economist: The size and power of the state is growing, and discontent is on the rise

Slate: The crazy perversities of civil asset forfeiture

New Yorker: Why cable companies bundle their channels

Slate: Vancouver's experiment with helping addicts get high

Salon: Haiti - Media turns to disaster porn to keep an audience

Slate: Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis

Kiplinger: The Most-Overlooked Tax Deductions

New Republic: What the "Weekly Standard" Gets Wrong about Purportedly "Oversexed" Society

Newsweek: Why College Grads Are Happier in Marriage

TIME: Incredible 'Oceans' Sea Documentary Wins Awards

TIME: Proposed Micronesia-Wide Conservation Park a World First

Atlantic: Tort Reform Is Anti-Democratic (And Ingeniously Marketed)

Slate: What interest rate does the government pay on its debt?

Atlantic: Commercial real estate is dominated by financial professionals, not hustlers looking for a quick flip. So why is the market about to melt down?

CNN: Mediterranean diet may help prevent dementia, study says

Healthy Eats: 10 Foods that Are Healthier than you Think/Thought

Atlantic: The Limits of Deficit Spending (Posner)

Rolling Stone: The Fabulous Fraudulent Life of Jocelyn and Ed

Slate: The little-known reason why investment banks got too big, too greedy, too risky, and too powerful

Slate: How many ways can you bow in Japan?

TIME: Looking to China's Economy for Resilience

Planned Parenthood: The Truth about Margaret Sanger

Salon: Black Babies as Propaganda by the Anti-Choice Crowd

FP: The War Colleges are Found Wanting

Atlantic: Luntz's Cheat Sheet Talking Points Blueprint to Kill Democratic Financial Reforms

Slate: Thousands of soldiers have been fired for telling. What happens to the ones who ask? (Two-Facedly) Nothing.

Slate: North Korea is even weirder and despicable than you thought

Economist: Scarcity and globalisation - A needier era?: The politics of global disruption, and how they may change

New Republic: White House Goes After Oil And Gas Subsidies--Again

Slate: Why quiet, understated TV ads are so effective

US News: Are Payday Lenders Modern-Day Loan Sharks?

FA: What to Read on Fascism

FP: Keeping Fascism At Bay

Slate: What Happens When Justices Get Personal

New Republic: Our Thin-Skinned Supreme Court

Newsweek: Are Life Coaches Good or Bad?

New Republic: Why is Race such a Focus when the News Looks at Couples?

New Republic: The Metamorphosis of Tintin or Tintin for Adults

NYT: Pushing Military Styles to a New Level of Ferocity

CNNMoney: Beware of Life-Settlements

Stanford Study: Older investors are prone to mental misfires while playing the market

TIME: Ambition - Why Some People Are Most Likely To Succeed

US News: How to Invest in Commodities

US News: The Winter Olympic Nutrition Plan - What the Athletes Eat

CNN: How old is the plane you're flying on?

Economist: Polling Republicans - The GOP id speaks

TIME: Top 10 Worst Corporate Name Changes

FP: Who will be the next secretary of state?

Slate: Should we bother cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

Slate: How Sean Payton's daring play-calling won the New Orleans Saints their first Super Bowl

Slate: Peyton Manning is a genius. He's also a pain in the ass.

Slate: Why do late-night hosts always keep their desks on the right?

CNN: Dirty hotels gross out travelers

11Points: 11 Most Scandalous Saved by the Bell Revelations in Screech's Autobiography

NPR: Yogurt Dominated Palates In The Aughts

Newsweek: The Case Against Layoffs - They Often Backfire

TIME: Facebook's Doppelganger Week Is Viral Groupthink

FP: The End of Diplomacy? Once up a time, Americans achieved great things abroad. No longer.

ESPN: 20 reasons why New Orleans (and not Miami) is the place to be for the Super Bowl

Atlantic: Trashing the iPad - What's Behind the Animosity

Newsweek: How Qaddafi Shamed the African Union
posted by Flaco @ 7:43 PM   0 comments
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Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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