Abstract Capital
Saturday, May 30, 2009
More Good Reads
NPR: How Low Can You Go? Economical Family Meal Challenge

NPR: Immigrants' Children and Spouses

Salon: Are 6 Catholics Too Many for the Supreme Court?

Salon: A Guide to Summertime TV

Us News: The End of the Light Bulb Era

CNN: The 1st Jobs of 23 Famous People

CNN: The Fizzling of the Science Fiction Genre

Economist: Tin-Tin!

Economist: More Tin Tin!

Economist: Latin American Economies, Pain but no Panic

Economist: Buying Farmland Abroad, Neocolonialism or Beneficial Foreign Investment?

Economist: The Scramble for Seabeds, Coastal States Bidding for Vast Areas of Continental Shelf

Economist: Seabed Mining

Economist: Investment, Arbitration, & Secrecy - Legal Challenges

Economist: Why Cracking Down on Business Taxes Doesn't Improve the Tax Code

Economist: Annan's Climate Change Guesses Don't Work

Economist: Chevron v. Ecuador

Economist: Seabasing

Economist: The Most Diverse Region on Earth, Papua New Guinea

Economist: Evolution - Why Music?

Economist: Positive Clinical Uses of MDMA - Ecstasy

Economist: Amnesty International Realizes that No State or System Has a Monopoly on Curbing Human Rights

Economist: In Trying to Fix Capitalist Markets, Obama Must not Stifle Dynamism

Reason: A Prohibition-Friendly Estimate of Drug-Related Deaths Turns out to be Bogus

Reason: What's Up with Anti-Drug Commercials?

Reason: Collateral Damage of our "War on Drugs"

Reason: Does a Raunchy Culture Produce Raunchy Kids?

Reason: Obama - Martial Rhetoric Isn't Enough to Justify Preventive Detention

Reason: What Kind of Metaphor is the New Terminator Movie?

Reason: Blackbeard Economics - The Organizational Finance of Piracy

Reddit: Is the Treasury Secretary a Fan of Hayek or Keynes?

FA: Strategic Rejection of Free-Market Capitalism - State Capitalism

FA: What is Lobbying?

FA: Pre-Crime & Obama

Wilson Quarterly: The Importance of the Humanities

Wilson Quarterly: What is the future of the Oxford English Dictionary?

Wilson Quarterly: What is Original Sin?

Wilson Quarterly: What is the Meaning of the Nazi Salute?

Wilson Quarterly: True North - The Struggle for Civil Rights in the North

Naval Institute: Why do we Have a Navy?

Slate: What Does the Director of an Animated Movie Do?
posted by Flaco @ 11:14 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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