Abstract Capital
Thursday, June 25, 2009
NPR: Conservatives Have 'Originalism'; Liberals Have ... ?

NPR: Social Networks: They're Popular, But Will They Pay?

NPR: Judge No Longer A Believer In Unfettered Markets

NPR: Economic Crisis Stirs Free-Market Debate

The Root: Caribana hits Toronto on July 14, 2009. Is Toronto exploiting Caribana?

TIME: Feng Shui is Evil

TIME: Indian Women's Fashion: The Dying Art of the Sari

Atlantic: How Moldova Escaped the Crisis

TIME: Is an ugly baby harder to love?

Salon: What Happened to Asian Cinema in the U.S.?

Slate: How Celebrities stay Famous Regardless of Talent?

CSMonitor: In Stunning Reversal, LAPD goes from Reviled to Respected

CSMonitor: US Navy Well-Versed in Interdicting Suspect Cargo Ships

CSMonitor: NASA's New Breed of Astronaut

TIME: More Than A Mall: Inside Dubai's Growing Art Scene

NPR: I Know! We'll Make A Board Game Into A Movie

Slate: What to say about Mark Sanford: a Guide to Politicians' Reactions to Sex Scandals

New Republic: Why is the Opposition's David Cameron so likable?

TIME: Asia Challenges the U.S. for Green Tech Supremacy

Atlantic: What if the President Smoked Pot?

Atlantic: Weaponized Keynesianism and the Republicans

Atlantic: A Yankee in Paula Deen's Restaurant

Atlantic: The Mystery of Cheap Lobster

TIME: Berlin Exhibition: Fearless Fashion in the Former East Germany

Slate: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Reviewed

TIME: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Reviewed

Slate: How to Counter-Program against an Inconvenient Nixon Tapes Release

Newsweek: Notes on the Death of Neda Agha-Soltan
posted by Flaco @ 1:51 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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