Abstract Capital
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Are you a good husband (by 1933 standards)? And more
This is one of the funniest tests I've come across in a while: Do you meet the test for a good husband by 1933 standards?


And more interesting reads to fill your day..

BWP Employment Law: The NBA Age-Limit & Discrimination Law - Is it Unfair or Illegal?

Atlantic: SpongeBob's Contagious Postmodern Optimism

Atlantic: Is this the end of the Clinton Era, & the beginning of the Obama Era?

CSMonitor: Why GED classes are full, now

New Republic: Is There Too Much Focus on De-Forestation?

Salon: India's Sartorial Police fight Harassment

TIME: A Drag on the Economic Rebound - Consumer Spending

TIME: TicketMaster & Live Nation - Obama's Antitrust Test

Slate: The Research on how Gender influences Judging

CNN: The disease that's ravaging Latin America

Atlantic: About Macro-economics - Half-Scientific, Half-Witchcraft?

CSMonitor: Where are Palestinian entrepreneurs?

CSMonitor: Carrying a heavy weight of history, Libya and Italy meet again

Slate: Why would Lebanese Christians vote for Hezbollah?

Atlantic: The top-5 conservatives Obama listens to
posted by Flaco @ 12:02 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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