Abstract Capital
Friday, June 19, 2009
Reading for your Weekend
FP: Ignore All the Iran Experts - Predictions about Iran are about a Dime a Dozen these days -- and that's about how much they're worth

Slate: Doubting Twitter

Salon: Twitter won't bring down Ahmadinejad

Slate: Why do Iranian police uniforms say "police" in English?

CSMonitor: Bristol Palin and other Teen Moms: New Trendsetters?

Atlantic: Obama's Grand Rhetorical Strategy: "It's All Connected"

Economist: Coverage of the protests: Twitter 1, CNN 0

New Republic: Graduation Season: Why Do Students Have To Wait Until 21 To Commence?

CSMonitor: With 'Buy Chinese' edict, another nation tiptoes toward Protectionism

Newsweek: Why Your Laptop's Batteries Die So Fast

Newsweek: How a Lack of Money Can Worsen Physical Pain

Newsweek: Consumerism: It's An Evolutionary Urge

Newsweek: A New Age of Global Capitalism Starts Now

Atlantic: The alluring Sammy Sosa Cocktail: One part steroids (maybe), Five parts media (definitely)

Atlantic: The Problem with Fareed Zakaria

New Yorker: Postcards from Equatorial Guinea

Economist: The future of Broadband: And access for All

Slate: Step aside, Windows. The Web browser is coming to save the day

Mother Jones: Doctors Boo Obama

New Yorker: Decoding Chinese Humor

FP: In Defense of Meat

Atlantic: The Growing Demand for Goat Meat

Slate: Can Alexa Chung Save MTV?

Slate: The CEO of my favorite nonprofit earns more than $200,000. Is that outrageous?

Slate: Why do so many people say they voted for Obama when they didn't?

Economist: Venezuela's oil-dependent economy: Socialism on the Never-Never

Newsweek: Why Elections Don't Make Democracy

TIME: Librarians vs. Google - Fighting the Web Giant's Book Deal

TIME: Pope Benedict vs. the Lefebvrites

Salon: Why We Can't just eat One

Salon: Who hates Who in Iran

CSMonitor: Mexico's Drug War seeps Southward, Too

CSMonitor: Ahmadinejad's new best friend: Hugo Chávez?

Economist: France and Africa: They came to Bury him, not Praise him

CSMonitor: Gabon leader's death revives debate over France's cozy ties with former colonies

Economist: Russia and Western clubs: No thanks, Geneva

Economist: Argentina's mid-term election: The glass empties for the Kirchners

Economist: BRICs, Emerging Markets and the World Economy: Not just Straw Men

Economist: Australia and anti-Indian violence: Regrettable facts

Newsweek: Opinion: Why I Support Legal Late-Term Abortions

New Republic: What To Make Of The Russian Media’s Reaction To Iran?

Economist: North Korea - The Kim family saga: 3rd & Final Act

Economist: The mayor of Los Angeles: Down and perhaps Gov.
posted by Flaco @ 12:34 AM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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