Abstract Capital
Monday, June 15, 2009
New Reads
Atlantic: Are Unpaid Internships Destroying America?

CSMonitor: Why are Blacks Abandoning San Francisco?

The Root: Gay Pride Month - Where's the Pride in Pride Parades?

TIME: No Ocean, but Chicago Moves to Legalize Surfing

Mother Jones: John Cusack, Gen-X's Favorite Anti-Hero

Salon: Auto-safety for Dummies

Salon: Why is the Army permitting Neo-Nazis to join?

CSMonitor: Fleeting Architecture - As Novelty & Sustainability drive design, Structures are Increasingly Temporary

FA: What is Behind Washington's Mysterious Relationship with Delhi?

TIME: Are Arab Leaders Really Unhappy to see Ahmadinejad Re-Elected?

Salon: What is Behind Some White Males' Ethnic Sexual Attitudes?

CSMonitor: SCOTUS Tackles Beach Property Rights

TIME: How FaceBook is Affecting High School Reunions

FP: Does a Club that Includes Countries as Radically Different as Brazil, Russia, India, & China make any sense?

Salon: Iran's Growing Societal Chasm

FP: The Party's Over? - Behind the Collapse of Formidable Political Factions

TIME: Why the World Should be Watching Central Asia

New Yorker: Leon Panetta & the C.I.A.

FP: Italy's New Chic-Fascist National Guard
posted by Flaco @ 10:15 PM  

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Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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