Abstract Capital
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday Update
Economist: California v. Texas - America's Future

Economist: Babies' names and the internet - Local Yokels

New Republic: Calvin & American Exceptionalism

Economist: A year at the Supreme Court - Fairness for firefighters

Economist: Faith, Economics, & Ecology - As the World Heats Up and Economic Dislocation Ravages the Poor, Religious Leaders Offer Up Their Diagnoses and Prescriptions

TIME: Why Are Southerners So Fat?

Slate: Is Cybersquatting against the Law?

CSMonitor: Why China's ethnic riots help the Communist Party

Slate: Why do Scandinavians write such great crime fiction?

Economist: Google v Microsoft - Clash of the Titans

Slate: Why Google kept Gmail in "beta" for so many years

Newsweek: What GM and Chrysler Can Learn From Hyundai

Slate: Can the kid who settled his child-abuse claim with Michael Jackson speak out about his case?

New Republic: From Muhammad to Marx - An Intellectual History of Iran's Green Revolution

Economist: Hollywood in the Recession - One-Dimensional

New Republic: Does Obama Have a Friend in the Vatican?

CSMonitor: Spiritual mother of Uighurs or terrorist?

Newsweek: Should Microsoft Worry About Google's Chrome?

Slate: Five reasons why Google's new Chrome operating system is a bad idea

Atlantic: Yes, Google Chrome Could Beat Microsoft Windows

Newsweek: Rumsfeld May Share McNamara's Fate

FP: Why Obama's realism in the Middle East is boosting authoritarian rule

CSMonitor: There's a Growing Cultural Gap Between Scientists and the Public

New Republic: Is it Time to Mourn the Death of the Gangster Film?

Atlantic: The Rental Market Stinks Too

Slate: More about NBC News' investigative infotainment series

Salon: Why "Brüno" is bad for the gays

Salon: History is Bunk After All

Slate: How does porn screenwriting work?

Atlantic: Civilize Homeland Security

TIME: After California - Which States Are in the Most Peril?

FP: G-8? G-whatever.

TIME: G-8 Opens to Growing Economies

TIME: Alcohol Laws

Salon: Miley Cyrus: Too young for "hooker boots"?

Salon: Fox News' Kilmeade: We "marry other species," Finns are "Pure"

Newsweek: Nate Silver on How to Destroy 5% of Global GDP (and Half the World)

Salon: The significance of McClatchy's act of journalism

Slate: Just how religious is Francis Collins, Obama's nominee for director of the NIH?

FP: Iran's dissenting clerics want to keep the Islamic republic together, not push democracy

Salon: The Losers Who Gave Us Sarah Palin

Atlantic: Sigh

New Republic: The One Legacy Robert McNamara Can be Proud Of

Newsweek: A Disturbing New Green Parenting Book

Economist: Climate Change Talks - Poor Countries Wrangle with Rich Ones About Who Can Burn What & When

Atlantic: Robert McNamara and the Dreams of Reason

FP: Lightning Joe Collins vs. Mogadishu Mike Steele (Round II)

FP: Why America's rock star president wasn't going to cut it in Russia

Economist: Green spending and stimulus - Curiously slow

CSMonitor: Italy's Obama? First black mayor is voice of right-wing party

Economist: The Invention Machine

Atlantic: Comfort Food with a Foreign Accent

Economist: America and Eastern Europe - Eastern Europe Watches Nervously as America Improves Relations with Russia

FP: How China Wins and Loses Xinjiang

Economist: Economics Lessons for Journalists - USA Today Can't Do Maths

Economist: Obama in Africa - Stop Blaming Colonialism for Present-Day Troubles

FP: Radical Islam's Critique of Al Qaeda

FP: Why Iran is Going the Way of the Soviet Union

NPR: Bleak Economy Squeezes Community Colleges

Economist: Prank Calls in America's Hotels

Newsweek: In Russia, Obama Brings Out His Inner Reagan

TIME: Welcome to OBamako - Africa Awaits Obama's Return

Slate: Was Obama right to give Putin the cold shoulder this week?
posted by Flaco @ 6:42 PM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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