Abstract Capital
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Weekend Reading..
CSMonitor: A 'coup' in Honduras? Nonsense

Economist: The coup in Honduras: Defying the Outside World

New Republic: The Supreme Court Finally Gets Real on "Disparate Impact"

Reason: In Praise of Consumerism: When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping. And sometimes even get happy

CSMonitor: Honduran coup tests waning US clout in Latin America

Newsweek: The Supremes Rule in the Firefighter Race Case

Slate: The damage done by the Supreme Court in the New Haven firefighters case

CSMonitor: How does Cap-and-Trade Work?

New Republic: Failed States, Dubious Rankings

Slate: FireFox 3.5 Reviewed

Economist: Welfare claims surge: Helping the needy

Slate: Why ban the tobacco industry when you can hijack it instead?

Economist: South Africa and football’s World Cup: On goal for 2010

TIME: The End of the Beginning - What will be the Legacy of the Green Revolution in Iran?

Slate: Is Michael Mann's Public Enemies Historically Accurate?

Economist: Brazil’s licensed thinker: A sage exits, maybe left

Economist: World food prices: Whatever happened to the food crisis?

FP: Why Don't Palestinians Care About Iran?

TIME: Minnesota Senator Al Franken: How His Vote Could Matter

Newsweek: How Prison Consultants Could Help Bernard Madoff

Newsweek: Microfinance: The Next Bubble?

TIME: What Cheap Stuff Really Costs Us

Economist: Greenland - Global Warming & Feeling Free

Salon: Debate over government-funded police protection heats up

Economist: A comedian in the Senate - Eight months later

New Yorker: Caveat Mortgagor

Salon: Marxism & the Un-American Way of Life - A Review

TIME: Recession Hits Summer Camp: Parents Seek Deals on Fees

CSMonitor: The Mystery of the Blind Spy Satellite

Economist: Germany's Chancellor: Merkel is the Message

Salon: Is your Music Cool?

Slate: Morocco makes Peace with its Past
posted by Flaco @ 10:31 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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