Abstract Capital
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wednesday Update
TIME: What Happens When Parents Join Facebook

Oh Crap. My Parents Joined Facebook. (Funny!)

Newsweek: Is Unconscious Plagiarism a Real Phenomenon?

TIME: Is Your Facebook Account a Gold Mine for Identity Thieves?

OpEd News: Howard Zinn - Untold Truths About the American Revolution

NPR: Perks Lure Commercial Real Estate Tenants

Slate: Whatever happened to the Segway?

NPR: Rare Guilty Pleas In Artifacts Sting

NPR: Do Corporate Boards Need More Teeth?

BHam Examiner: Planned Parenthood targets Baltimore's Black Community through Misleading Advertisements

TIME: Health-Care Reform: A Fight over Abortion Coverage?

TIME: Should Hedge Funds Face Harsher Regulation?

CSMonitor: Will much of New Orleans be underwater by 2100?

Salon: The Obama Justice System

CSMonitor: How the Honduras crisis boosts Venezuela's Chávez

FP: Uribe Falls to Earth

NPR: Artists Make Money By Forgoing Traditional Galleries

Salon: Freedom From Lobbyists
posted by Flaco @ 5:09 PM  

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Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
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Quote of the Month

Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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