Abstract Capital
Thursday, August 20, 2009
TIME: A Brief History Of Wikipedia

TIME: Why Google Wants You to Google Yourself

CNN: The words you love to hate (video)

Economist: The Geneva conventions at 60 - Unleashing the laws of war

Economist: Galileo, four centuries on - As important as Darwin

Newsweek: Hold Music's Complex Science

Slate: Today's unprecedented expansion of judicial powers

TIME: Lolcats - Building a Media Empire Around ICanHasCheezburger.com

Slate: Does it really save gas to roll down your windows instead of flipping on the AC?

Atlantic: WTO Opens Up China to U.S. Entertainment Products

Slate: The Brits have taken over Turks and Caicos. Is Canada next?

Slate: Whatever happened to acid rain?

Newsweek: Who Cares about the Episcopal Civil War?

Newsweek: Texans Are Most Likely to Be Uninsured, Gallup Says, But Don't Blame Immigrants

Newsweek: U.S. Views on God and Life Are Turning Hindu

TIME: Abilene - Where Porn Fought the Law and Porn Won

Newsweek: Our Search for Alien Life

Reason: Senators Aren't Gamers - "Censors tend to be people who don't enjoy the art they try to censor."

Newsweek: Should you sue your financial adviser?

Newsweek: Discovering South America's Great Outdoors

CNN: Is it OK to live together before marriage?

CNN: Exotic vacations may be closer than you think

Newsweek: College Endowments See Values Drop

Newsweek: Why We Don't Pick the Right Baseball All-Stars

CNN: Memo - U.S., Brazilian leaders talked of Chile coup in '71

Salon: "It is pointless to talk to al-Qaida"

Atlantic: Happy States and the Economic Crisis

DCPost: Roger Goodell is Overbearing

CNN: Some obsessions, compulsions not part of OCD

New Yorker: The Power of Michael Bloomberg

Economist: California's overcrowded prisons - Gulags in the sun

FP: Top Ten Sporting Events that Shook the World

Atlantic: Health Care - A Lesson In Practical Philosophy

Economist: Helping the auto industry - Swings and roundabouts

Economist: Brazil's foreign policy - Lula and his squabbling friends

Economist: Drought in Texas - Not a cloud

Reason: Strangers in a Strange Land - Forget man's inhumanity to man. District 9 is a deft satire of man's inhumanity to alien.

EW: 'Star Trek' vs. 'Lost' - Competing time-travel theories

Reason: Cross-Examining Forensics - The Supreme Court says that forensics analysts can be cross-examined...for now.

Atlantic: Another Way to Enjoy Oysters

Atlantic: The Faux Missing Ship - Pirates, Drugs, Russian Nukes? An Irresistible Debate Turns Serious

TIME: 'Liar in Your Life' Author Feldman - Why We Lie So Much

Salon: Sign me up for Barack Obama's death panel!

Atlantic: Bankers, Bonuses And Baseball

Reason: The El Paso Miracle - How can a comparatively poor, high-immigration town that sits across the border from super-violent Ciudad Juarez be one of the safest big cities in America?

Reason: The Artist Formerly Known as Dissident - Artists have a duty to dissent—even against Obama

CSMonitor: The Edible Explorer - Ancient All-Blue potatoes

N. Republic: Is Islam Good for Girls' Math Scores?

TIME: Test-Driving the New 2010 Camaro SS

Double-X: Health care woes - the grandiosity of doctors

Reason: The Real Clunkers in this Deal - Why "cash for clunkers" is a terrible idea

Reason: The sci-fi economics of "cash for clunkers"

DCPost: Why Hate Crime Laws Don't Work - Laws Won't Rein In Hate

Newsweek: I Walked All Over Crocs. What Have I Done?

N. Republic: Will Doctors Be An Impediment To Reform?

N. Republic: Political MySpaces, Ouch

TIME: Study - Drug Use Continues Among Boomers

Salon: Obama, you're no Machiavelli

Reason: Tyranny of the Minority - James MacGregor Burns' biased and cartoonish new history of the Supreme Court

Atlantic: Pakistani Public Opinion - Less Extreme Than Previously Thought?
posted by Flaco @ 12:05 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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