Abstract Capital
Friday, September 4, 2009
Newsweek: Is Apple's Snow Leopard Worth the Money?

Economist: America's vigorous new antitrust policy - Return of the trustbusters

Economist: Race and the Department of Justice

Economist: Portugal's drug policy - Treating, not punishing

Slate: Will we ever run out of dinosaur bones?

Atlantic: Meet the Marijuana Snack Kings of the Future

Economist: Economics focus - Discounting that promotes competition is hard to distinguish from predatory pricing

Economist: Company size - Big is back

TIME: Why Do Muslims Fast During Ramadan?

Slate: How bad for the environment are cruise ships?

Atlantic: Beer Battle - America vs. Germany

Economist: Child Welfare - The Nanny State: Lavish public spending on the well-being of children does not always hit the mark

Slate: Albania, the Muslim world's most pro-American state

NPR: Legal Aid & Detroit - Not Enough Money Or Time To Defend Detroit's Poor

Economist: Economics focus - Fatalism v fetishism

Economist: Emigration from California - Go east or north, young man

Atlantic: Which Generation Has Cut Spending The Most?

Atlantic: Taxes Around the World

Economist: Tax rates - Effective tax rates

Economist: The Incredible Shrinking Trade Surplus - Is China deliberately understating the size of its trade surplus?

Slate: Should parents influence which classes their kids are in?

Economist: Regional trade deals are no substitute for a Doha agreement. Indeed, they are its enemy

Economist: Violent-crime rates - Serener streets

Economist: The Nightmare of Low-Level, Entry-Level, Federal Workers

Economist: The Noodle Bowl - Why Trade Agreements are All the Rage in Asia

Economist: The Juanes row in Miami - If music be the food of love...

Economist: Economics focus - Waist banned: Banning Fat Kids?

NPR: Tobacco Firms Sue Over New FDA Powers Claiming Harm To 1st Amendment Rights

NPR: The Agony And The Ecstasy Of Required Reading Lists

Slate: Why the Supreme Court should abolish political speech limits on corporations and unions

Slate: The GOP's fake doctor council

TIME: The Font War - Ikea Fans Fume over Switch to Verdana

Atlantic: Do Presidential Approval Ratings Follow the Dow?

Atlantic: Welfare Dons

Atlantic: How Too Big To Fail Got Even Bigger

Salon: Pfizer's huge fine - A disturbing trend

CNN: How to fight the property tax assessor

Economist: The Texas governor's race - A showdown with tumbleweeds

CSMonitor: Why Chavez is wooing autocrats abroad

Economist: An East African Federation?

Atlantic: Cairo & Mexico City - Similar Cities, But Why Does One have Low-Crime & the other High-Crime?

FP: Summit of the Americas - The Occasional Benefits of Live Summitry

FP: Pakistan's Obsession with India - Keeping Up with the Indians

FP: China and India Make for Strange Bedfellows on Terrorism

Atlantic: What To Serve Black People For Dessert (not racist, interesting social article)

Economist: The Economist in 1939

Slate: The cupcake boom is here. The cupcake crash is coming.

CNN: 10 things cooking taught me about life

Economist: Space industry - Do we have lift-off?

TIME: Four Years After Katrina - New Orleans' Green Makeover

Vanity Fair: Fashion, Qaddafi-Style

Slate: The hidden benefits of traffic tickets

Economist: Africa's population - The baby bonanza

Newsweek: How Nelson Mandela's Legacy Hurts South Africa

CNN: Study - High school put-downs could potentially put students behind
posted by Flaco @ 10:52 PM  

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