Abstract Capital
Sunday, January 10, 2010
SI: Baseball writers have no business electing players to Hall of Fame

Newsweek: Why You Can't Stop Gay Marriage and Marijuana

Newsweek: Recalling the Upside of the Great Depression

New Yorker: Mike and the Mad Dog - Can Shanahan get along with Snyder? And other pressing issues surrounding the arrival of the Redskins’ dull, egomaniacal, tireless, soft-spoken new coach.

Atlantic: Supreme Court Considers Patenting Abstract Ideas

Economist: Universities and Islam - Hearts, minds and Mecca

Economist: Lula and the generals - The army blocks a truth commission

Economist: The future of Catalonia - Of bulls and ballots: Catalonia is set to have a big role in Spain’s politics

Atlantic: The Lawsuit That Could Grant the NFL Omnipotence

CNNMoney: 'Honest-Services' Fraud Law & Critique

Newsweek: Why New York City Needs a New Economic Strategy - 'If New York City is a business, it isn't Wal-Mart,' Mayor Bloomberg once sneered. Maybe it should be.

Slate: How to Make America More Innovative - Give scientists more incentives to innovate

New Republic: College Education: Metros’ Anti-Recession Vaccine?

Salon: The backfiring of the surveillance state

TIME: 'Committed' Gilbert on Marriage After 'Eat, Pray, Love'

Slate: What happens to an embassy's staff when the building closes?

Slate: The Sins of Guantanamo - We're keeping detainees in the camp because we're afraid of things they haven't done yet?

FP: A $123 Trillion China? Not Likely. The many, many reasons - from the financial crisis to the country's aging population to environmental limitations - why Robert Fogel's economic forecast for China is completely inconceivable.

Slate: Why are we still reporting on the "wind chill"? It's time to get rid of a meaningless number

CSMonitor: The Pilgrims were a surprisingly worldly, tolerant lot

Newsweek: Should legal immigrants be deported for drug possession? The Supreme Court will decide

Newsweek: The psychology behind Iranian support for the country's nuclear program.

Newsweek: Does the Internet Change How We Think?

CSMonitor: On birthday of Kim Jong-il's son, a North Korea rising star - On the birthday of Kim Jong-un, North Korea leader Kim Jong-il's son, newspaper drew attention to the "unusual brightness" and placement of Venus, which was seen as a good sign for Kim Jong-un.

Newsweek: The Recession Generation - Those entering the workforce now will likely make less and save more—not just in the short term but for the rest of their lives.

Newsweek: Bush's Solicitor General - Gay Marriage Is a Right

Slate: How do food companies determine "serving size"?

TIME: A Micronesian Paradise — for U.S. Military Recruiters

NYT: MBA Programs - Are They Students? Or ‘Customers’?

New Republic: Conservatism Is Dead - An intellectual autopsy of the movement

FP: How do you rescue someone, or a group, who doesn’t want to be rescued? (North Koreans)

FP: Why Nuclear Weapons Aren't As Frightening As You Think - President Obama’s pledge to rid the world of atomic bombs is a waste of breath. But not for the reasons you might imagine

Newsweek: The Battle of the Antiviolence Gurus - Two men. Two different approaches to violence prevention. And one small pool of funding dollars.

Atlantic: What Does GOP Now Want? Why, Activist Judges Of Course!

DCPost: The Myth of Judicial Activism

Economist: The Trans-Texas Corridor - Population growth means a looming transportation challenge

Economist: Hispanics in America - Reshaping politics

FP: Twitter vs. Terror - How the U.S. State Department should enable and encourage social-networking sites in the global fight for freedom.

ESPN: Is Oklahoma City an NBA purgatory or a fine place for ballers to chill?

CNN: Sex makes life better

FP: The Kremlin Kowtow - Why have Western leaders and intellectuals gone soft on Russia's autocracy?

FP: Why Iran's Green Movement Is a Civil Rights Movement, Not a Revolution

FP: How India Gives Global Governance the Biggest Headache

FP: Why India Is No Villain

CSMonitor: New findings on dark energy back discarded Einstein theory

Atlantic: Newspaper articles are too long

NPR: Astronomers Map Dark Matter 'Beach Ball'

TIME: A New Theory on Why the Sun Never Swallowed the Earth

Newsweek: The World's Top 10 Spammers

NPR: What Makes A Blockbuster - George Lucas Weighs In

FP: The Israeli Lobby & its Attempts to Shape the Discourse on Iran

NYT: Why Does Justice Antonin Scalia Hate the Word 'Choate'?

Mother Jones: Disappeared in the Andes - Exactly 25 years ago, my brother vanished while hiking near a shadowy German colony in Chile. I’ve been searching for the truth ever since. (Colonia Dignidad)

New Republic: The Butt Bomb - Al Qaeda's hidden weapon

Slate: The Year of Running Dangerously - In a tough economy, incumbency is the one job nobody wants

NPR: Amish Teens Tested in 'Devil's Playground' - Documentary Reveals Youths' Experiments with 'English' Life

Salon: Why do we listen to Rudy? A big blunder today reinforces the sad fact - "America's mayor" now has badly tarnished cred

Economist: A Mexican cult - Death in holy orders: Syncretism in the era of the drug baron

TIME: Grieving on Facebook - How the Site Helps People

Economist: Spooked - The troubles of American intelligence

Economist: Quorum quibbles - The National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) finds itself in a couple of fine messes

Salon: The Clintonites were wrong - The "new economy" was an illusion. Neoliberals have to admit that before they can stop the bleeding. (Questionable argument though, in my opinion)

Economist: Schumpeter - Womenomics

CNN: Audiences experience 'Avatar' blues, longing to live in 'Avatar' world of Pandora

NYT: Fewer Blacks and Mexican-Americans at Law Schools

CNNMoney: Heineken buys brewer of Tecate (Dos Equis) for $7.6 billion
posted by Flaco @ 10:41 AM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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