Abstract Capital
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Slate: Learning to appreciate astronomy

Slate: The Supreme Court plays nice over international child custody

Slate: Conservatives claim Obama's policies are weakening the dollar. Let's examine the evidence

Newsweek: Is The Dollar As Weak As Conservatives Say?

Newsweek: How Strong Should the Dollar Be?

Newsweek: London's Financial Demise Has Been Exaggerated

CNN: America's new financial capital is ... Washington

Salon: Women writers on Late-Night

Salon: An Iranian nuclear physicist is murdered

Slate: Could the assassination of a physicist stop Iran's nuclear weapons program?

Slate: The Filibuster Backlash - Is an anti-filibuster movement taking hold?

Slate: When Did the Word Negro Become Taboo? In 1966 or soon thereafter.

TIME: Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny

Slate: Stop crying "terrorism" every time we're attacked

Economist: Google and China - Google errs: Google's plan to withdraw from China may be as much about poor business prospects as ethics

FP: Random thoughts from the road - What if our airlines were like Europe's?

TIME: Google to End China Censorship After E-Mail Breach

Salon: Social separation breeds contempt - There is no better place to learn the delicate ballet of social skill than in a big city

Slate: Should the feds take over Medicaid?

Salon: The case for economic rights - FDR said it and it holds 66 years later: There are benefits and opportunities every American should expect to enjoy

Newsweek: A Man Who Knows The Secrets: Veteran CIA Lawyer Seeks Book Deal

FP: 'Best Defense' advice - Should an Ivy League Ph.D. join the military?

New Republic: A Scholar's Guide to the Kindle

NYT: The Americanization of Mental Illness

Slate: How can we counter educated, eloquent, well-connected Islamists?

Slate: Words have replaced sex as the cause of the classic Washington scandal.

Slate: The Weirdest Zip Codes on the New York Times Netflix Map

SI: Why American Needle v. NFL is most important case in sports history

Economist: Influenza and wildlife - Which animal species are most likely to get flu?

FP: 'Langley Won't Tell Us' - How I fought the intelligence turf wars -- and lost.

Slate: Weird new Domino's ads that compare the pizza to cardboard
posted by Flaco @ 11:52 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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