Abstract Capital
Monday, June 1, 2009
... and More Good Articles
Here are some links to good articles I've run into:

TIME: TV May Inhibit Babies' Language Development

CSMonitor: Barcelona over Manchester United: A Victory for Catalonian Independence from Spain

CSMonitor: Does Increasing Fuel Efficiency Make People Drive More?

Mother Jones: Can We Save the Oceans?

The Free Market: Don't Recycle, Throw it Away!

Salon: "Womenomics" Challenge Professional Women to Say No to Overly Demanding Jobs - Even in a Recession

Salon: Join the Shame Parade - From Kate Gosselin to Elizabeth Edwards to Facebook users, the scorned are flaunting humiliation like never before

Slate: How shutting down Craigslist's "Erotic Services" Section Hurts Prostitutes & Cops

Non-Sequitor / Just for Fun

F my Bourgeois Life

Tweeting Too Hard
posted by Flaco @ 8:54 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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