Abstract Capital
Friday, June 5, 2009
Update on the First Day
My first day went great! I'll updated on my "Other Blog".. also in the future I'll be organizing interesting reads by how interesting they are to me, rather than by periodical.

TNR: Disney Gets it Right - Disney's First Black Princess is One of the Most Soulfully Accurate Renditions in Animation History

Economist: The Centrist Northwest - Why Washington State has such peaceful and moderate thinkers

TIME: Obama's Subtle Message - Why Can't the Arabs be more like Asia?

Economist: Attitudes towards Redistribution have a Strong Cultural Component

Economist: St. Pierre & Miquelon - Squaring off for Seabeds

TIME: Who Spends and Who Saves? A Geographic Breakdown

Slate: How Many Balloons would it take to Lift a House like the one in Pixar's Up?

Salon: Movie Review - The Hangover

MoJo: Linguist Tells the Role of Language in Current Discourses

TIME: The Most Important Economic Indicator You've Never Heard of

TIME: What is Killing Chile's Coastal Wildlife?

Salon: When Sequels are Better than Originals

Newsweek: Why New Labour is so Resilient

Atlantic: The Commercialization of Adventure

CSMonitor: The Fate of the Tamils after the Tigers

Economist: Eritrea rebuked by Africa - A Regime that Represses at Home and Meddles Abroad

Slate: How Henry Kissinger Manipulated his Biographer
posted by Flaco @ 1:32 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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