Abstract Capital
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday's Good Reads
More good reads:

TIME: Tetris - From Russia with Fun!

Slate: Why the 2012 cult is a silly scam

FP: English Spoken Here - Why English is Key to World Domination

The Root: Can Alabama Elect a Black Governor?

Double-X: How do Yoga Teachers Make Money?

Atlantic: Could McDonald's Really Beat Starbucks?

Atlantic: Local Scones? For Starbucks, Not so Fast

NPR: Using Psychology to Save you from Yourself

Atlantic: One World, Under God - The Trends of Monotheism

Slate: Why is the Right doing so well in Europe?

Economist: European Election Results - Left Battered and Bruised

Newsweek: India's Goldilocks Economy

FP: The International News will not be Televised

Slate: Anatomy of a Murder: Jay-Z's "DOA (Death of Auto-Tune)"

TIME: When a 'Chosen' Tibetan Lama says No Thanks

Atlantic: Is Craigslist as Ruthless as Wal-Mart?

Slate: The Irrational War on Electronic Cigarettes

Atlantic: What is the Koran?

Economist: Why entrepreneurs can do more for the poor than official aid

Economist: Development aid from Authoritarian Regimes - An Iron Fistful of Help

Salon: The Right just won across Europe - A warning for Democrats?

Newsweek: Who is Rahul Gandhi?

Salon: The perfect first family. Damnit.

Salon: Stay at home dads - Dude, man up and start acting like a mom

Newsweek: Lessons for Detroit from Pittsburgh's Rebirth
posted by Flaco @ 12:30 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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