Abstract Capital
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday Update
TIME: The Broken Hopes of a Spanish Generation

Atlantic: The Success of Failure (P.J. O'Rourke, excellent)

Atlantic: The Gift-Card Economy - For Some People, Spending just Doesn't Come Naturally -- Especially in a Recession -- Behavioral Economists Have a Solution

CSMonitor: Urumqi Unrest - China's Savvier Media Policy: Taking a cue from Western PR tactics, Beijing moved away from trying to block coverage altogether - and was benefited by doing so

MSNBC: 8 Ways the Food Industry Tricks You to Overeat

Atlantic: Bankruptcy Helps the Undeserving - And That's the Way it Should Be

Atlantic: End the Corporate Income Tax

Slate: How Bruno is Good for Gays

CSMonitor: Spy satellite mystery, Part 2

NYT: Does Social Networking Breed Social Division?

Newsweek: Why Kenya's Political Violence Screwed Its Prostitution Sector

Newsweek: GOP Elites Fall Out of Love With Palin's Crowd

Newsweek: Pope Benedict and the Far-Right

Newsweek: Why the Vatican Likes Obama

Newsweek: Steve McNair, Sahel Kazemi, and the Sad Truths About Murder-Suicide

TIME: French Tourists - Still the World's Worst

Washington Post: Republicans to Fault Judicial Empathy in Sotomayor Hearings

Newsweek: Jobs - How Unemployment Is Straining Friendships

Atlantic: California vs. Texas for the Future of America (editorial)

CSMonitor: Ranks of atheists grow, get organized
posted by Flaco @ 6:35 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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