Abstract Capital
Saturday, August 8, 2009
TIME: Soccer in Seattle - A New Kind of Football Team Woos Fans

Slate: How the notoriously pricey Whole Foods is surviving the recession

Economist: The growth of home-schooling - Kitchen-classroom conservatives

TIME: Does sunscreen really prevent skin cancer?

Slate: Jersey Rules - To Cut Political Corruption, We Must Pay Public Officials More

Boing Boing: Free parking costs a fortune

Slate: What submarines do while on patrol

Slate: Does Raising the Minimum Wage Really lead to Layoffs?

Slate: Think a coin toss has a 50-50 chance? Think again

Salon: Great moments in political race-baiting

Slate: The Economics of Narcissism - How grandiosity and lack of empathy created our modern malaise.

Sports Illustrated: ESPN needs to start displaying dose of humility

Slate: Should the FCC force Apple to sell Google's iPhone apps?

TIME: Accent on the Future (a.k.a. Accenture) - Top 10 Worst Corporate Name Changes

Economist: Sex laws in the U.S. - Unjust and ineffective

Economist: Coney Island's redevelopment - On and off the boardwalk

TIME: Reforming Crack-Cocaine Laws, but Leaving Injustice Intact?

Atlantic: Privatize the Seas

Slate: How Small, Poor Peru made the Right Economics Moves

Salon: Is the Judd Apatow moment over?

TIME: Judd Apatow of 'Funny People' - From Stand-Up to Bromance

Slate: Is there a place for yoga in homeless shelters?

CSMonitor: Evangelicals move North

TIME: The Crackdown on Executive Pay

FP: Welcome, non-traditional pursuers of the Ph.D.

Slate: Why you've stopped watching CNBC

Atlantic: Are The Treasury's Borrowing Costs Going Up?

Atlantic: Why Rich People Pay More In Taxes

Newsweek: Forget the Great In Britain - Its fall was inevitable, but the economic crisis will shrink the last pretenses of empire faster than anyone expected

Slate: How the playpen fell out of favor

Atlantic: Credit Checks and Employment - Kick 'Em When They're Down

Economist: Offshore private banking - Bourne to survive

Atlantic: Megan McArdle analyzes Cheap

Salon: Pynchon lights up

TIME: Thomas Pynchon's Inherent Vice - A Magical Mystery Tour

Newsweek: Afghanistan’s drug war has failed

Slate: Why does Congress get so much vacation?

Atlantic: So What if Organic Isn't More Nutritious?

Slate: The organic vs. conventional debate is getting us nowhere

FP: Honduras - Who's Lobbying for the Coup?

Newsweek: How Being Right- (or Left-) Handed Shapes Judgment

Newsweek: Why Language May Shape Our Thoughts

Slate: Do political "town halls" have rules?

Atlantic: Why You Don't Believe Me Yet (Here Comes the Cavalry)

Slate: A Day in the Life of a Twintern - Meet the recent college grad who tweets for Pizza Hut.

Atlantic: Privacy v Transparency, and the Battle Over Equal Marriage

Atlantic: The Equation for an Ideal Dessert

Slate: The Arena Football League goes Bankrupt

Newsweek: The Backlash Against American Universities

Slate: Four days in North Korea

CSMonitor: Why Iran's Revolutionary Guards mercilessly crack down

Newsweek: On America's Obsession with Crime

Slate: Thomas Pynchon's Inherent Vice

TIME: The March to the Far-Right

Slate: Why are Georgia and Georgia both named Georgia?

Economist: Crime and exoneration - Hidden evidence: DNA is changing the way America fights crime, not its policies towards convicts

Slate: Is the president helping Hawaii?

Slate: How is America going to end? - Slate's "Choose Your Own Apocalypse" lets you map out the death of the United States.

TIME: In Moldova, Europe's Last Soviet-Style Communist Government Bows Out — Probably

NRepublic: A Semi-Defense of Obama's Buckraking Ambassadors

Slate: Kyrgyzstan, the heartbreak capital of Central Asia

Slate: Could the guinea pigs from G-Force survive in the wild?

Slate: Is it possible to reassemble a shredded document?

TIME: Charles Rangel - The Lion of Harlem

Atlantic: Were Humans Once Aquatic?
posted by Flaco @ 3:21 AM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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