Abstract Capital
Friday, July 31, 2009
Good Weekend Reads
Economist: Sea of Troubles - The Recession is Buffeting the World of Shipping - with even rougher waters ahead

Economist: Rebalancing the World Economy - China: Can China Reduce its Trade Surplus by Consuming More?

Slate: How did "getting hit by a bus" come to mean "unexpected tragedy"?

Salon: How Cooking Makes you a Man

Salon: Asperger's - Hollywood's new black?

Atlantic: America's Moral Panic Over Obesity

Slate: Did Chief Justice Warren Burger and the Supreme Court create the Health-Care Mess?

Slate: Four Ways to Redesign Facebook

Economist: A rising vogue for shopping near home

Huffington Post: Lou Dobbs Slams "Tea-Bagging Queen Rachel Maddow," Refuses To Back Off Obama Birth Certificate Controversy (Audio)

Economist: Affirmative Action in Colombia - Black Colombians suffer "Structural Discrimination": Discussing Quotas

Atlantic: The State of Charity

Economist: Gurkhas in Nepal - Old soldiers fade away

NPR: Reimagining 'Fahrenheit 451' As A Graphic Novel

NPR: A Passion for Peaches

Washington Post: The Making of a Secret Service Agent

Slate: How Peru—a small, poor country—made the right economic moves.

Economist: Microsoft, Yahoo! and Google - Taking sides

Atlantic: It's Still Good to be a Banker

Aguanomics: The Economics of Water at Airports

TIME: Is Senator Hutchison Running for Governor of Texas?

Newsweek: In Defense of Adam Sandler, Actor

Economist: Democratic Centrists are Making the Weather

Economist: Let's Have a Party - A City that looks beyond the Recession: Mobile, AL

Economist: The Centre-Left - The Challenge of Turning Malcontents into (Sensible) Militants: In most of Europe Moderate Leftists are having a Bad Recession - but things look more promising for them elsewhere

New Republic: What Makes the Democratic Blue Dogs Blue?

New Republic: Dean vs. Huckabee - Who hosts a better Cable News Show?

Newsweek: Recalling the Upside of the Great Depression

Economist: Chile's stricken salmon farms - Dying assets

TIME: Census 2010 - Gearing up to be Counted
posted by Flaco @ 11:56 AM  

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