Abstract Capital
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Salon: Facebook & Twitter - Have we moved from Pop Culture to "Peep Culture?": How Facebook & Twitter encourage social networking voyeurism

Economist: World Trade - Unpredictable Tides

Slate: Why does the carbonation taste different in bottles and cans of soda?

Slate: Fix your terrible, insecure passwords in five minutes

TIME: Mr. Six is back!

Slate: How do energy companies decide where to build nuclear power plants?

Economist: Spain & Britain in Gibraltar - Rocky Horror Show

Atlantic: Stop Mis-Using the Word "Hero"

Atlantic: Environmentalism Through the Eyes of the World's Poor

Atlantic: Is organ selling a moral quandary?

Economist: Responsibility to protect - An idea whose time has come — and gone?

Economist: Radio propaganda - Crackles of hatred

LA Times: At 65, Smokey Bear is still fighting fires

Newsweek: Why don't some Americans like Katherine Heigl?

Economist: Struggling French Socialists - Left behind

New Republic: The 'Pickup Basketball' Theory of the Taliban

Economist: Tourism in Michigan - The triumph of optimism

Slate: The director that taught Sacha Baron Cohen. And Ricky Gervais. And Stephen Colbert

Atlantic: The New Financial Capital Of the World - Everywhere

FP: Why is Netanyahu courting Christian Fundamentalists?

New Republic: Reading Einstein in Jerusalem

Economist: The race for governor in New Jersey

Atlantic: Republicans Can Do Financial Regulation Too

Economist: The rise of paganism in the U.K.

Slate: Doctors should be salaried
posted by Flaco @ 12:34 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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