Abstract Capital
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Atlantic: Can Catholics be Capitalists?

Economist: Statewatch - Florida: Sorrow in the Sunshine

FP: Jay-Z vs the Game - Lessons for the American Hegemony Debate

FP: How Central American Public Opinion Could End Democracy in the Region

CSMonitor: Sunflowers bring hope – and possible eco-benefits – to New Orleans

Newsweek: Whose Cop Shows Rule - L.A.'s or N.Y.'s?

Atlantic: The Role of the Law Schools in the Recovery from the Current Depression (Posner)

Slate: Who Checks to Ensure What is "New & Improved"?

Economist: Psychology - Why People Tend to Procrastinate When Asked to Think in the Abstract

New Republic: Beware, Vulnerable Moderate Democrats

UKTelegraph: Swearing Can Reduce the Feeling of Pain

Economist: Physics & Philosophy - The Good News is Reality Exists: The Bad is It's Stranger Than People Thought

Economist: Competitive Psychology - The Fewer there are, the Harder they Try

Economist: Travel & Creativity - Living Abroad Gives You a Creative Edge

Economist: The coup in Honduras - Lousy President, Terrible Precedent

CSMonitor: China's big move into Latin America

Slate: Can Stress Really Cause Hair to Fall Out?

Economist: Planes, Trains, & Automobiles - Overcoming the Technical Barriers to Computerized Cars will Help Win Psychological Acceptance

Economist: Russia's Messy Relationship with its Backyard Asian Neighbors

FindArticles: Why Animals Love to Play

CSMonitor: Unrest in Xinjiang - Where’s the Muslim outrage?

FP: Why isn't the Muslim world speaking up in defense of the Uighurs?

Double-X: Why the Vampire Craze is Bad for Women - Vampire Shows Glorify Chastity, Sexual Violence

Atlantic: Embrace Coverage & Questions Around Celebrity Turmoil - They're a Discourse on Important Questions

FP: What Makes a Targeting Legal or Illegal Under International Law?

FP: What Can Americans Learn from the British Empire?

Pew Research: The Political Composition of Scientists

Newsweek: Sell America and Buy India, Says George F. Will

WashPost: Liberal Policies Paving Way for Higher Taxes (George Will)

Economist: Henry Kissinger in 1973 - A Year to Remember (Book Review)
posted by Flaco @ 3:28 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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