Abstract Capital
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wilson Quarterly: E Pluribus Hispanic - Will the Hispanic US Look Pan-Hispanic or be A Smattering of Different Groups?

Wilson Quarterly: McCulture - Americans have developed an admirable fondness for books, food, and music that preprocess other cultures. But for all our enthusiasm, have we lost our taste for the truly foreign?

Wilson Quarterly: What Makes Mr. Zhang Save? - Why are the Chinese such legendary savers? The answers shed light on why that habit is about to ­change.

New Republic: Selves - The New Cinematic Thing, Film About a Self

Wilson Quarterly: What Philosophy Has Made America Great? - Pragmatism

Wilson Quarterly: The Other Sixties - What Else Happened?

Big Money: A Stimulus Project That’s Not Creating Any Jobs - But does that really make it a failure?

New Republic: Honduras and Constitutional Democracy - Was it a Coup? Yes, according to the American Constitution, No, According to More Liberal Constitutions

New Republic: Supreme Court Archive

Wilson Quarterly: Citizen Canine - Why and What Happens When People Ascribe National Characteristics to Their Dogs

Wilson Quarterly: Are Video Games Evil?

Wilson Quarterly: The New Invisible Competitors - The Mystery of Competition

Wilson Quarterly: Strive We Must - How Competition Has Made the World Generally More Fair and More Rich

New Republic: Offense-Defense Nonsense - On Nuclear Issues Conservatives Are Still Stuck in the Cold War: Why?

Wilson Quarterly: The New Kindergarten - Why Universable Pre-K Isn't Advisable

Wilson Quarterly: Last Man Standing -
It’s no cause for celebration, but the global financial crisis shows why the United States remains the indispensable nation.

Wilson Quarterly: Indian Ocean Nexus - The New Highway of Trade and Power

Wilson Quarterly: Magnifying American Power - Do International Relations Institutions Spread & Reinforce US Power?

Wilson Quarterly: The First Civil War - How the American Revolution Constituted It

Slate: How to Fix Microsoft Word's Spell-Checker

Wilson Quarterly: Demographics - The World's New Numbers

TIME: Fujifilm's New Project - 3D Film

Wilson Quarterly: No Double Beds for Boris - Contesting the Family Vacation in the Post-War Soviet Union

Wilson Quarterly: Breaking the Chinese Mold - About Chinese Political Attitudes

Wilson Quarterly: Contagious Crime

Wilson Quarterly: Only Words - Is the OED Going Out of Style?

Wilson Quarterly: Get Smart - Pouring more concrete will not by itself answer our infrastructure prayers. Look instead to the transformative power of information technology.

Salon: Clozapine may have saved schizophrenics

Wilson Quarterly: The Local Government Colossus - What Happens When State Governments Try to Merge Local Governments?

Slate: One of Rupert Murdoch's U.K. tabloids goes on a crime spree - Journalistic Payoffs?

Wilson Quarterly: In Praise of Trimming

Salon: Why America is Flunking Science

Wilson Quarterly: The Zen of Spellchecking

Wilson Quarterly: The Research Boomerang - What is the Relationship Between NIH Research and The $ the USFG Funds the NIH With?

posted by Flaco @ 11:17 PM  

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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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