Abstract Capital
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Salon: Interview with Comedian Fred Willard (Video)

Atlantic: Why isn't Obama appointing young judges to the circuit courts?

TIME: Spain, Britain Decide Who Owns Gibraltar

TIME: Will China's Currency Replace the Dollar?

FP: Does Foreign Aid Really Work?

Money: Did DeRegulation & Free Markets cause the Recession?

Atlantic: Looking for a Job? Go to D.C.

Newsweek: CIA Kill Teams Modeled on Israeli Hit Squads

Newsweek: Will America go back to Nuclear Power?

Newsweek: Latin America's Intelligentsia Is Fleeing Chavez

Salon: Why We say Yes to Drugs

Atlantic: Obama, Cosbyism, and Black Nationalism

Atlantic: Why the Minimum Wage Increase Benefits Only Teenagers

Atlantic: How Much Does Central Bank Independence Matter?

Economist: A Capitalist Enclave in North Korea belies the country's increasing isolation

Atlantic: Jose Mengele, Paraguayan

Newsweek: Why is India such a popular target for terrorists?

Reason Op-Ed: The Myth of Financial Deregulation - Government action caused the economic crisis, not the free market

Atlantic: The Politics of the "New Normal"

TIME: The Neo-Nazis of Mongolia - Swastikas Against China

Atlantic: Where Unemployment is Worse than Expected

TIME: Is Business Journalism Dying?

FP: The Middle East's Most Powerful Spooks

New Republic: Meet the Sandinista who runs the U.N.

TIME: What do astronauts eat in space?

TIME: The Truth about Teen Girls

New Yorker: The Twilight of Expat Exceptionalism
posted by Flaco @ 12:23 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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