Abstract Capital
Friday, July 17, 2009
Slate: What happens to a judge who ignores binding precedent?

TIME: Q & A: The Hidden Side of the New York Police Department (NYPD)

FP: The Ghost of Che - the same old authoritarian revolution is back

Economist: Hate Crimes and Double-Jeopardy

Atlantic: What Does "Too Big to Fail" Mean Anymore?

Newsweek: Channeling Milton Friedman - The Legendary Economist is Gone, but his Co-Author isn't

NPR: Got a Runny Nose? Flush it Out! (Use a Neti Pot!)

TIME: Why Girls Have BFFs and Boys Hang Out in Packs

Salon: Rape in post-war Berlin

NPR: Students' view of intelligence can help grades

Slate: Wide Receivers on TV

CSMonitor: Wal-Mart takes the lead in green retailing. (Yes, that Wal-Mart.)

WSJ: Baseball research veers into left field

Atlantic: The Justice Department's Interest In Derivatives

TIME: Water wars - Judge rules against Atlanta

Atlantic: A Paradise-Haunted Land - Before Nazis escaped to Paraguay the country was a refuge for other bad ideas for civilization

Atlantic: Even the Recession can Create Winners - a New Orleans company helps businesses improve their cash flow & hires while others lay off

TIME: Nicaragua, where every day is Christmas
posted by Flaco @ 1:48 PM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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