Abstract Capital
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Newsweek: Does the Outrage Over Zelaya Smack of Hypocrisy? - Latin American leaders outraged over the Honduras coup have stood silently by as the region's other populists trod upon democracy

Atlantic: New Orleans - All the Street's a Stage: New Orleans has a Way of Making You Feel like You're Tippling Even When You're Stone Sober

Atlantic: Weni, Wiki, Wiki - Our Correspondent Visits Seattle with only Wikipedia as his Guide

Atlantic: The $1.4 Trillion Question - The Chinese are Subsidizing the American Way of Life. Are We Playing Them for Suckers? Or are they playing us?

Atlantic: The Fruitful Lie - Trade agreements have always been greased by deception about who benefits. Now they're failing because leaders have come to believe their own lies

Atlantic: Signs of our Times - Neon Signs: Part Sculpture, Part Lighting, Part Billboard -- Have Gone from Marketing Tool to Tacky Trash to Folk Art

Atlantic: Bernard Lewis - I'm Right, You're Wrong, Go to Hell: Religions & the Meeting of Civilization

Atlantic: Capitalism: The Movie - Why Americans Don't Value Markets Enough - and Why That Matters

Atlantic: Cutting Taxes to Shrink Government Doesn't Work -- and that Spells Trouble for the Conservative Movement

Atlantic: Macau's Big Gamble - The Peninsula's Bid to become the Vegas of the Orient Depends on China's Willingness to Embrace Transparency & the Rule of Law

Atlantic: Legal (Supreme Court) Comparativism - What Would Zimbabwe Do?

Atlantic: I Agree with Me - When's the Last Time a Conservative Talk-Show Changed a Mind?

TIME: Google vs. Microsoft - What You Need to Know

Atlantic: The Confidentiality Fetish - The Problem with Attorney-Client Privilege

Atlantic: The Skeleton Coast - A Safari by Air over Namibia's Haunting Sands

Atlantic: Lofty Ambitions - Once upon a time, lofts were cheap spaces for struggling artists. Today they are phony and pricey, and that's just fine

Atlantic: Open for Business - A Post-Katrina visit to the Restaurants of New Orleans

Salon: The Joy of Sex, for Teens!

Atlantic: Baby Names - Not all Names were Created Equal

Atlantic: The Velvet Reformation - What is the Future with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Church?

Atlantic: Buffalo Shuffle - Can a Deal with Toronto Save an American football team and its Decaying Hometown?

Atlantic: Why Wall Street Always Blows It - How the Financial Industry got it so badly wrong, & why it always will: And why all of us are to blame

Atlantic: The Hardest Job in Football - Producing

Atlantic: A Beautiful Mind - Why the NFL Center Must be the Smartest Player on the Field

Atlantic: Passing Grades - Why We should be Scouting the NFL Scouts

Atlantic: Is Google making us Stupid?

Atlantic: The Forgotten Millions - Communism is the deadliest fantasy in human history (but does anyone care?)

Atlantic: The Toll of Incarceration on Neighborhoods (Example: New Orleans)

Atlantic: Feeling Entitled? - Personal Title Inflation & Deflation

Atlantic: Inconspicuous Consumption - A New Theory of the Leisure Class

Atlantic: The Case for Debt - Public Anxiety over "Excessive" Consumer Debt has a Long, and Misguided, History

Atlantic: The Rise of the Sardine - Will the Fish Transcend its Humble Reputation to become a chef's staple?

Atlantic: The Age of Innocence - When Girls leave home for college, it affects them far more deeply than it does boys -- and there's no way parents can protect them once they go

Atlantic: The Truth About Harvard - Hard Getting In, Easy to Get Out Without Learning Much Anything of Enduring Value

Atlantic: Bottoms Up - Ian Fleming saw past the confines of the Cold War

Atlantic: Superhero Worship - Once the province of Garbo and Astaire, movie glamour now comes from Superman, Spider Man, and Storm

Atlantic: Pompadour with a Monkey Wrench - Al Sharpton wants to be the leader of Black America. Problem is, that job no longer exists

Atlantic: Where the Brains Are - America's Educated Elite are Clustering in a few cities -- and leaving the rest of the country behind

Atlantic: The Great Depression - Atlantic Articles from the 1930s Reveal how Americans Reinvented Banking, Restructured the Economy, and Dealt with Challenges unsettlingly parallel to those of Today

Atlantic: Holiday Cheer - The World's Most Bibulous Countries

Atlantic: Search Terms that Sell

Atlantic: Of Rivals & Revivals - A History of France vs. Britain

Atlantic: Non-Native Sons - The globalization of soccer has distanced players from national fan bases -- Which is why the World Cup provokes such identity crises

Atlantic: A Historian for Our Time - Thucydides may have been the more trustworthy historian, but Herodotus would have been more fun to share a wineskin with - and is a better guide to the god-filled geopolitics of the current era

Atlantic: A Revolutionary Simpleton - A new account of Ezra Pound's early years reveals his volatile genius -- and prefigures the madness that would claim him

Atlantic: Lifting the Bamboo Curtain - As China & India vie for power and influence, Burma has become a strategic battleground, 4 Americans illuminate its current troubles and what the U.S. could do to shape its future

Atlantic: Colonel Cross of the Gurkhas - In strife-torn Nepal, some lessons about modern warfare from a British throwback

Atlantic: All Counter-Insurgency is Local

Atlantic: How to Grow a Gang - By Deporting Record #'s of Latino criminals, the U.S. may make its gang problem worse

Atlantic: Review - Religulous: Bill Maher's Spiritual Journey

Atlantic: Freedom's Curse - Why Washington's Crusade against Swearing on the Airwaves is F*cked Up

New Republic: Obsession with Inflation - Why we keep fighting the last economic war

Atlantic: Pornography - Good or bad idea?

Atlantic: Jack Welch - No Such Thing as a Work-Life Balance, Only Work-Life Choices

Atlantic: Be Nice to the Countries that Lend You Money - An Interview with a Chinese State Banker

Atlantic: Pipe Dreams - The Myth of Pure Drinking Water

Atlantic: Russia's Holy Warriors - Fervently Orthodox, anti-Islamic, and Proudly Militaristic, the Cossacks are on the Rise in Putin's New Russia

Atlantic: P.J. O'Rourke - Redheaded Eskimo: The Corporate Tax Bill -- An Explanation

Atlantic: Greed on Trial - The question before the jurors was not whether legal fees amounting to $7,700 an hour were "unreasonable." It was whether the lawyer-plaintiffs should get $1.3 billion more

Atlantic: The Show-Me Sheikh - The Grand Mufti of Egypt, Ali Gomaa, is peddling a new kind of radical Islam -- Traditionalism without the Extremism

Newsweek: Dumbledore's Army - Charity Changing the World: How Crazy are Potter Fans?

TIME: Can GM's New Camaro & Silverado Models Woo Back Buyers?

TIME: The Sexual Awakening of Hermione

Atlantic: More Nixon Tapes - A Selection of Transcribed Recordings

Atlantic: E.T. & God - Could Earthly Religions Survive the Discovery of Life Elsewhere in the Universe?

Atlantic: Scrutiny on the Bounty - Captain Bligh's Secret Logbook

Salon: It's Hot! It's Sexy! It's Marriage! Am I the Only One Who Loves Being Hitched These Days?

TIME: Bermuda Travel - Now Cheap, Easy, Close & Warm

TIME: The 50 Worst Cars of All-Time
posted by Flaco @ 6:02 AM  

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Name: Flaco
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Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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