Abstract Capital
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Weekend's Articles
CSMonitor: Global reach of Spain's courts Curtailed

TIME: Is a Trade War with China Brewing?

TIME: Did Pakistani Spies Kill 11 French Naval Engineers?

TIME: Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense

Slate: How McDonald's Conquered France

Economist: An End to Formula One's Civil War?

Slate: Major League Baseball's Outdated, Misleading Offset Camera Angle

Salon: Ayn Rand: Don't call it a Comeback!

Newsweek: What Ever Happened to Ahmad Chalabi?

Newsweek: The Republicans' Paranoid Foreign Policy

Salon: A right-wing writer on how to be a real man

FP: Iran Seen Through Venezuelan Eyes

Atlantic: Let the (2016) Games Begin!

Economist: Municipal corruption in Canada: Water and grime

Economist: Consumer spending in Asia: Shopaholics wanted

Economist: Coca and cocaine in the Andes: Mixed signals among the coca bushes

Economist: Drug policy in the Americas: At last, a Debate

SI: Lack of resources, quality coaching restrain NBA talent in Africa

Newsweek: Fareed Zakaria: Writing the Rules for a New World

CSMonitor: Star Trek’s Multiverse of Story

TIME: Michael Jackson: The Death of Peter Pan
posted by Flaco @ 1:38 PM   0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
NPR: Conservatives Have 'Originalism'; Liberals Have ... ?

NPR: Social Networks: They're Popular, But Will They Pay?

NPR: Judge No Longer A Believer In Unfettered Markets

NPR: Economic Crisis Stirs Free-Market Debate

The Root: Caribana hits Toronto on July 14, 2009. Is Toronto exploiting Caribana?

TIME: Feng Shui is Evil

TIME: Indian Women's Fashion: The Dying Art of the Sari

Atlantic: How Moldova Escaped the Crisis

TIME: Is an ugly baby harder to love?

Salon: What Happened to Asian Cinema in the U.S.?

Slate: How Celebrities stay Famous Regardless of Talent?

CSMonitor: In Stunning Reversal, LAPD goes from Reviled to Respected

CSMonitor: US Navy Well-Versed in Interdicting Suspect Cargo Ships

CSMonitor: NASA's New Breed of Astronaut

TIME: More Than A Mall: Inside Dubai's Growing Art Scene

NPR: I Know! We'll Make A Board Game Into A Movie

Slate: What to say about Mark Sanford: a Guide to Politicians' Reactions to Sex Scandals

New Republic: Why is the Opposition's David Cameron so likable?

TIME: Asia Challenges the U.S. for Green Tech Supremacy

Atlantic: What if the President Smoked Pot?

Atlantic: Weaponized Keynesianism and the Republicans

Atlantic: A Yankee in Paula Deen's Restaurant

Atlantic: The Mystery of Cheap Lobster

TIME: Berlin Exhibition: Fearless Fashion in the Former East Germany

Slate: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Reviewed

TIME: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Reviewed

Slate: How to Counter-Program against an Inconvenient Nixon Tapes Release

Newsweek: Notes on the Death of Neda Agha-Soltan
posted by Flaco @ 1:51 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
I really hope the Iranian protesters topple the unelected cleric-ruled government, after reading this story about Neda Soltani my heart just goes out to them.

CBC: An Unintentional Sacrifice: Neda becomes 'Symbol of Goodness'

EW: The 100 Greatest Summer Songs: Nos. 100-76

Slate: Why is American food so popular in Japan?

Atlantic: Suing your Fund Manager

Economist: Ron Paul, international superstar

Salon: NPR's Ombudsman: Why we hypocritically bar the word "torture"

Slate: Why Iranian leaders will always believe Anglo-Saxons are plotting against them

Slate: Black Baseball Players and Their Effect on Fatherhood

Slate: What's New on the Supreme Court?

Economist: Five questions for Joseph Nye

CSMonitor: Banking, the Swedish Model

Salon: Frappuccinos Work for Mom & Pop: Why Local Stores need Chains in a Downturn

Economist: Hyatt's random acts of generosity

Salon: Is the burqa a prison?

CSMonitor: India's longtime battle with Maoist rebels heats up

Economist: Reforming France: Pointing the Way - "Change, but not Much"

Slate: Dispatch from Scalia's Latest Rendezvous with the American Constitution Society

Atlantic: Burger King's Horrible, Creepy Ad Campaign Isn't Working

Economist: Is "Citizen-Journalist" an Oxymoron?
posted by Flaco @ 11:14 PM   0 comments
Monday Reads
Us News: Who Would Win Under Obama's Financial Reforms?

FP: The Death of Macho

FP: Think Again on Asia's 'Rise'

TIME: What Women Can Learn from Men About Parenting

Salon: More Women are Turning to Sex Work in a Bad Economy - Does it Beat Working at McDonald's?

Salon: Why are Conservatives such Hypocrites on Sex?

Salon: Bush Officials - Where are they Now?

Economist: Bagehot - The Chemistry of Revolution (What are its Prerequisites?)

CSMonitor: Showcased at Greece's New Acropolis - Missing Artifacts?

CSMonitor: The Pacific Ocean isn't the only Atlantic Ocean collecting Trash

New Republic: Why is the Most Powerful Health-Care Lobbyist Playing Nice?

TIME: How to Reach Kids in a Recession? Ask Aeropostale

TIME: Why Tennis Players Should give up the 'Grunt'

FP: What's Wrong with Ban-Ki Moon?

Atlantic: How to Deal with Failure

FP: The 2009 Failed States Index

FA: Why Rescue Big Banks?

TIME: What Camouflage says about a Soldier

TIME: Russia Cracks down on Political Art
posted by Flaco @ 3:40 AM   0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
More Weekend Articles
Slate: Obama's New Tune on Trade

NYT: Manufacturing Universes in a Fractal Universe

Salon: Can we ever say a Woman Can't Choose?

Slate: Should Non-Profit Hospitals be forced to Stop Behaving like Greedy Corporations?

CSMonitor: Street Cone Art - Art or Crime?

CSMonitor: France - Can it Ban a Church of Scientology ?

FP: What does IR Tell you about Fatherhood?

NPR: Grading the Baby-Boomers - Pass or Fail?

NYT: Readers Digest moves Right-of-Middle-America

NPR: Cringe TV - Jon & Kate Plus 8 and the Rest of Us

Slate: "Year One", Reviewed

Salon: "Year One", Reviewed

Salon: Obama & Transparency - Judge for Yourself

CSMonitor: Solution to Crumbling Cities in the Rust Belt - Bulldoze the Burbs'?

NPR: In Wake of Killings, a New Look at Hate Speech

TIME: In Thailand, a New Political Party tries to Reclaim the Original Meaning of the Swastika

NPR: Meet 'Weird Al' Yankovic, Stealth Pop Musicologist
posted by Flaco @ 2:49 AM   0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Reading for your Weekend
FP: Ignore All the Iran Experts - Predictions about Iran are about a Dime a Dozen these days -- and that's about how much they're worth

Slate: Doubting Twitter

Salon: Twitter won't bring down Ahmadinejad

Slate: Why do Iranian police uniforms say "police" in English?

CSMonitor: Bristol Palin and other Teen Moms: New Trendsetters?

Atlantic: Obama's Grand Rhetorical Strategy: "It's All Connected"

Economist: Coverage of the protests: Twitter 1, CNN 0

New Republic: Graduation Season: Why Do Students Have To Wait Until 21 To Commence?

CSMonitor: With 'Buy Chinese' edict, another nation tiptoes toward Protectionism

Newsweek: Why Your Laptop's Batteries Die So Fast

Newsweek: How a Lack of Money Can Worsen Physical Pain

Newsweek: Consumerism: It's An Evolutionary Urge

Newsweek: A New Age of Global Capitalism Starts Now

Atlantic: The alluring Sammy Sosa Cocktail: One part steroids (maybe), Five parts media (definitely)

Atlantic: The Problem with Fareed Zakaria

New Yorker: Postcards from Equatorial Guinea

Economist: The future of Broadband: And access for All

Slate: Step aside, Windows. The Web browser is coming to save the day

Mother Jones: Doctors Boo Obama

New Yorker: Decoding Chinese Humor

FP: In Defense of Meat

Atlantic: The Growing Demand for Goat Meat

Slate: Can Alexa Chung Save MTV?

Slate: The CEO of my favorite nonprofit earns more than $200,000. Is that outrageous?

Slate: Why do so many people say they voted for Obama when they didn't?

Economist: Venezuela's oil-dependent economy: Socialism on the Never-Never

Newsweek: Why Elections Don't Make Democracy

TIME: Librarians vs. Google - Fighting the Web Giant's Book Deal

TIME: Pope Benedict vs. the Lefebvrites

Salon: Why We Can't just eat One

Salon: Who hates Who in Iran

CSMonitor: Mexico's Drug War seeps Southward, Too

CSMonitor: Ahmadinejad's new best friend: Hugo Chávez?

Economist: France and Africa: They came to Bury him, not Praise him

CSMonitor: Gabon leader's death revives debate over France's cozy ties with former colonies

Economist: Russia and Western clubs: No thanks, Geneva

Economist: Argentina's mid-term election: The glass empties for the Kirchners

Economist: BRICs, Emerging Markets and the World Economy: Not just Straw Men

Economist: Australia and anti-Indian violence: Regrettable facts

Newsweek: Opinion: Why I Support Legal Late-Term Abortions

New Republic: What To Make Of The Russian Media’s Reaction To Iran?

Economist: North Korea - The Kim family saga: 3rd & Final Act

Economist: The mayor of Los Angeles: Down and perhaps Gov.
posted by Flaco @ 12:34 AM   0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
3/4 Through the Week Reading
Almost to Friday..

Slate: What Board Games Taught Us About the Economy - The not-so-great financial lessons we learned as kids

Newsweek: Do Facebook Friends Provide the Same Support as Those In Real Life?

Newsweek: Facebook's 'Porn Cops' Are Key to Its Growth

Newsweek: Did the Stimulus Really Create 150,000 Jobs?

FP: Imagining President Mousavi

TIME: More Trouble in West Africa's Narco State - Guinea-Bissau

Atlantic: Sensible Urban Shrinkage

Atlantic: Do We Still Need MTV?

Atlantic: Do Doctors Deserve to Be Paid Less?

NPR: The Planets Revisited through Music

NPR: The Trouble with Tariffs

NPR: Suburbia is so Gangsta
posted by Flaco @ 4:45 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
New Reads
Atlantic: Are Unpaid Internships Destroying America?

CSMonitor: Why are Blacks Abandoning San Francisco?

The Root: Gay Pride Month - Where's the Pride in Pride Parades?

TIME: No Ocean, but Chicago Moves to Legalize Surfing

Mother Jones: John Cusack, Gen-X's Favorite Anti-Hero

Salon: Auto-safety for Dummies

Salon: Why is the Army permitting Neo-Nazis to join?

CSMonitor: Fleeting Architecture - As Novelty & Sustainability drive design, Structures are Increasingly Temporary

FA: What is Behind Washington's Mysterious Relationship with Delhi?

TIME: Are Arab Leaders Really Unhappy to see Ahmadinejad Re-Elected?

Salon: What is Behind Some White Males' Ethnic Sexual Attitudes?

CSMonitor: SCOTUS Tackles Beach Property Rights

TIME: How FaceBook is Affecting High School Reunions

FP: Does a Club that Includes Countries as Radically Different as Brazil, Russia, India, & China make any sense?

Salon: Iran's Growing Societal Chasm

FP: The Party's Over? - Behind the Collapse of Formidable Political Factions

TIME: Why the World Should be Watching Central Asia

New Yorker: Leon Panetta & the C.I.A.

FP: Italy's New Chic-Fascist National Guard
posted by Flaco @ 10:15 PM   0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Saturday's Best
This is really cool: A Map of the Known Universe

Newsweek: Do the Media hate the Rich?

Newsweek: News Flash - Greed is Good

CSMonitor: Facebook's Shadow Culture

Salon: Does Sotomayor Really Make the Supreme Court that Diverse?

Slate: Why Does Iran have such a Young Population?

Atlantic: When State Secrets aren't State Secrets

Slate: Who has a better life philosophy, Stan van Gundy or Phil Jackson?

Economist: Does the elephant dance? - Or will India's problems always be hobbling?

Slate: Dollar General is the Retail Store that Figured Out how to Beat the Recession

Us News: Sarah Palin Mystifies and Annoys the Republican Establishment

Gawker: How to Crush Bill O'Reilly

FP: Will the Recession make Europe's Militaries Weaker?

Discover: What are the Chances That Earth Will Collide With Mars, Mercury, or Venus?

... and for kicks, a funny capitalism joke
posted by Flaco @ 10:17 PM   0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Some Free Weekend Reading

NPR: Breaking Barriers - Getting from Streetball to the NBA

CSMonitor: In Somalia's Break-Away Corner, an Oasis of Stability - Why isn't it Recognized?

Slate: How Judges Handle Classified Documents

NPR: Amid Recession, One Automaker is Prospering - Little Tykes

CSMonitor: How the Liberalization of Internet Domain Names will Help Companies but make Web-Life More Complicated

Economist: A Special-Report on India - An Elephant, Not a Tiger

Economist: A Special-Report on the New Middle Class in the World's Emerging Markets

New Republic: Is the DPRK's Kim Jong Un any Less Insane than his Father?

Economist: The Caperton v. Massey Case - Limiting Money in Judicial Elections

TIME: How Sleep Habits Affect Grades

New Republic: Why Americans will Never be Happy until Consumerism Stops

Economist: Rating the UN Secretary-General

FP: China's Health Care is a Mess Too

Economist: Chasing Ghosts - The Notion that Geography is Power is Making an Unwelcome Comeback in Asia

FP: State-Sponsored Sufism - Why are U.S. Think Tanks Pushing for State-Sponsored Islam in Pakistan?

Economist: Criminal Law in California - The Critical Problem with the "3 Strikes" Law

Economist: Oil & Land Rights in Peru - A Bloody Dispute
posted by Flaco @ 3:11 AM   0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Are you a good husband (by 1933 standards)? And more
This is one of the funniest tests I've come across in a while: Do you meet the test for a good husband by 1933 standards?


And more interesting reads to fill your day..

BWP Employment Law: The NBA Age-Limit & Discrimination Law - Is it Unfair or Illegal?

Atlantic: SpongeBob's Contagious Postmodern Optimism

Atlantic: Is this the end of the Clinton Era, & the beginning of the Obama Era?

CSMonitor: Why GED classes are full, now

New Republic: Is There Too Much Focus on De-Forestation?

Salon: India's Sartorial Police fight Harassment

TIME: A Drag on the Economic Rebound - Consumer Spending

TIME: TicketMaster & Live Nation - Obama's Antitrust Test

Slate: The Research on how Gender influences Judging

CNN: The disease that's ravaging Latin America

Atlantic: About Macro-economics - Half-Scientific, Half-Witchcraft?

CSMonitor: Where are Palestinian entrepreneurs?

CSMonitor: Carrying a heavy weight of history, Libya and Italy meet again

Slate: Why would Lebanese Christians vote for Hezbollah?

Atlantic: The top-5 conservatives Obama listens to
posted by Flaco @ 12:02 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Star Trek v. Star Wars Articles..
Since the new movie is getting so much publicity, it only seems topical - here are some interesting articles in re:

Salon: Star Wars Despots vs. Star Trek Populists

Salon: The utopian economics of Star Trek

Carolina Journal: Lord of the Rings and other Political Fantasies

Volokh Conspiracy: A review (of a collection) of legal scholars' articles on the Law of Star Trek
posted by Flaco @ 2:06 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Good Tuesday Reads
For those of you who like movie reviews: Uncomfortable Movie Reviews

Slate: Why is the color Green so Important in the Muslim World?

Slate: Does Road Construction really snarl up Traffic?

CSMonitor: How green are trains, public transportation, and hybrids?

FA: A Public Service Announcement for Graduating Students

Atlantic: Why Unions depend on Maintaining the Status Quo at all Costs

Us News: Why the Economic Recovery Won't Feel like One - Less Bad is still Bad
posted by Flaco @ 6:06 PM   0 comments
Monday's Good Reads
More good reads:

TIME: Tetris - From Russia with Fun!

Slate: Why the 2012 cult is a silly scam

FP: English Spoken Here - Why English is Key to World Domination

The Root: Can Alabama Elect a Black Governor?

Double-X: How do Yoga Teachers Make Money?

Atlantic: Could McDonald's Really Beat Starbucks?

Atlantic: Local Scones? For Starbucks, Not so Fast

NPR: Using Psychology to Save you from Yourself

Atlantic: One World, Under God - The Trends of Monotheism

Slate: Why is the Right doing so well in Europe?

Economist: European Election Results - Left Battered and Bruised

Newsweek: India's Goldilocks Economy

FP: The International News will not be Televised

Slate: Anatomy of a Murder: Jay-Z's "DOA (Death of Auto-Tune)"

TIME: When a 'Chosen' Tibetan Lama says No Thanks

Atlantic: Is Craigslist as Ruthless as Wal-Mart?

Slate: The Irrational War on Electronic Cigarettes

Atlantic: What is the Koran?

Economist: Why entrepreneurs can do more for the poor than official aid

Economist: Development aid from Authoritarian Regimes - An Iron Fistful of Help

Salon: The Right just won across Europe - A warning for Democrats?

Newsweek: Who is Rahul Gandhi?

Salon: The perfect first family. Damnit.

Salon: Stay at home dads - Dude, man up and start acting like a mom

Newsweek: Lessons for Detroit from Pittsburgh's Rebirth
posted by Flaco @ 12:30 AM   0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Weekend Reads
This is about one of the most innovative news interfaces I have seen in recent memory - http://newsmap.jp/ - here are some good reads for the weekend.

Economist: Seven Questions for Richard Posner

Canadian Press: SkyDome turns 20

Economist: A Scramble for the Sea (Part One)

Economist: A Scramble for the Seabed (Part Two)

Economist: Seabed Mining, Unplumbed Riches of the Deep

Economist: U.S. and the Law of the Sea Treaty (UNCLOS) - An Awkward Absence

Slate: Why Powerful Women love Law & Order

NPR: What's so Funny About Joe Biden?

WSJ: What your Favorite Sports Teams were Almost Called

WSJ: Enzyte Male Enhancement "Smiling Bob" CEO Gets 25 years for Conspiracy & Fraud

Slate: Can I Master Fencing? Sport for Nerds, Chess with Knives
posted by Flaco @ 1:48 PM   0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Update on the First Day
My first day went great! I'll updated on my "Other Blog".. also in the future I'll be organizing interesting reads by how interesting they are to me, rather than by periodical.

TNR: Disney Gets it Right - Disney's First Black Princess is One of the Most Soulfully Accurate Renditions in Animation History

Economist: The Centrist Northwest - Why Washington State has such peaceful and moderate thinkers

TIME: Obama's Subtle Message - Why Can't the Arabs be more like Asia?

Economist: Attitudes towards Redistribution have a Strong Cultural Component

Economist: St. Pierre & Miquelon - Squaring off for Seabeds

TIME: Who Spends and Who Saves? A Geographic Breakdown

Slate: How Many Balloons would it take to Lift a House like the one in Pixar's Up?

Salon: Movie Review - The Hangover

MoJo: Linguist Tells the Role of Language in Current Discourses

TIME: The Most Important Economic Indicator You've Never Heard of

TIME: What is Killing Chile's Coastal Wildlife?

Salon: When Sequels are Better than Originals

Newsweek: Why New Labour is so Resilient

Atlantic: The Commercialization of Adventure

CSMonitor: The Fate of the Tamils after the Tigers

Economist: Eritrea rebuked by Africa - A Regime that Represses at Home and Meddles Abroad

Slate: How Henry Kissinger Manipulated his Biographer
posted by Flaco @ 1:32 PM   0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Quick Links
MONEY: Buying vs. Renting a Home

TIME: Competitive Altruism - Accessorizing Being Green in Public

TIME: Counter-terrorism: FBI or CIA?

NPR: Is YouTube the New MTV?

NPR: Tetris - A Rare Cultural Product of the Soviet Union that Made it and Thrived in the West

NPR: Old-School Sitcoms find Fans Among a Younger Set

Salon: The Triumph of the Un-Celebrity

Salon: The End of Over-Parenting?

Salon: Why Newspapers Shouldn't Charge Online Readers

Salon: Introverts and Conversation, What do I Do?

Newsweek: How the Left Can Rise Again

Kiro-TV: Student Arrested After Smoking Joint during Pro-Pot Essay at School (funny how he was utterly respectful of others' rights, non-violent, and had a stellar 3.7 high-school GPA - time to dramatically re-think the basic assumptions people make about drug users perhaps?)
posted by Flaco @ 11:01 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tomorrow Work Starts ... Again
Tomorrow I start my new job! It's very likely the last time I will ever have to "pay my dues" for a sweet future job by resume building using no-pay internship and externship positions for the rest of my life, thankfully. It's nice to do things pro bono pro humanitate but it's far nicer to do them and be rewarded with more than just experience. When I was in college, I might have been very nervous about my first day, but at this stage I feel a lot more confident, even if I might be unprepared for what I'm doing in the beginning.

I'm excited for my sister, who's had a wonderful time at the Kripalu Yoga Institute in Stockbridge, MA, and is now about to move on to her next job - as of late, possibly New York! I am a warm-weather person, but I love NYC. While I wouldn't think of attempting to raise a family there, I wouldn't be averse to living there at some point for a little while before kids come along - I think "the City" is probably my fourth-favorite city in the U.S., after Seattle, the South Florida/Florida Keys area, and New Orleans - so it would be a really sweet trip if she did end up there, but wherever she ends up, I just hope it's a good job and something she likes, it'll be pretty cool to see what part of the country she moves to.
posted by Flaco @ 5:09 PM   0 comments
Good Articles
Mad Atoms: Rating the TV Demagogues

NBC: High School Students Share a Plane Ride, Strike Up Conversation with Stranger, "We Didn't Know he was Clarence Thomas!"

New Yorker: Should Creative Writing be Taught?

New Yorker: What are Currency Swaps?

Slate: The Semiotics (Brainwashing) of GM's Bizarre Post-Bankruptcy Ad

Slate: Framing the GM Bailout

Slate: Why Insane Parents are the Only Way to End America's Tennis Drought

Slate: Is China Playing Games with North Korea

Salon: Life is Good, No Matter the Disappointments

Salon: Exploring the World of Invented Languages

Salon: Anti-Abortion Groups - Sure, Killing an Abortion Doctor is Wrong, But Don't Overreact!

Guardian: Boy Chosen by Dalai Lama as Reincarnation of Buddhist Leader Turns His Back on Buddhist Order

FP: China - Tiananmen and Nanjing, China's "Other" Massacre

Newsweek: Is this the End of the UAW?

Newsweek: Is this the End of the Vacation Home?

Newsweek: How does North Korea Fund its Nukes?

New Republic: Puffington Host - The Many Versions of Arianna Huffington

TIME: Why China's Banks are Stronger than America's

TIME: Quote of the Day, Barack Obama
posted by Flaco @ 1:46 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Trip Results!
The trip to Delaware was fantastic! I wrote more about it on my "Other" blog, MyLifeinTimesRoman.

Before I go to bed, I saw a blip on CNBC that was really interesting - a program called "Meeting of the Minds: The Future of Capitalism - essentially a panel forum discussion including several active and/or former CEO's and CEO-like-types, in addition to a single urban political activist, led by Maria Bartiromo, dicussing recent modifications of the open-market economy and their subsequent implications.

Before I go to sleep, I found something said by one panel member, Mohamed El-Erian, really interesting, and wanted to include it here just as food for thought. El-Erian argued that the U.S. system of banking, credit, lending, etc. - incentivized self-destructively. What did El-Erian diagnose as a key ingredient of the recession? A U.S financial system that incentivizes consumption, but not investment.

I had to think about that for a second, but it makes total sense.
posted by Flaco @ 1:17 AM   0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
... and More Good Articles
Here are some links to good articles I've run into:

TIME: TV May Inhibit Babies' Language Development

CSMonitor: Barcelona over Manchester United: A Victory for Catalonian Independence from Spain

CSMonitor: Does Increasing Fuel Efficiency Make People Drive More?

Mother Jones: Can We Save the Oceans?

The Free Market: Don't Recycle, Throw it Away!

Salon: "Womenomics" Challenge Professional Women to Say No to Overly Demanding Jobs - Even in a Recession

Salon: Join the Shame Parade - From Kate Gosselin to Elizabeth Edwards to Facebook users, the scorned are flaunting humiliation like never before

Slate: How shutting down Craigslist's "Erotic Services" Section Hurts Prostitutes & Cops

Non-Sequitor / Just for Fun

F my Bourgeois Life

Tweeting Too Hard
posted by Flaco @ 8:54 PM   0 comments
About Me

Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
See my complete profile
Previous Post
Quote of the Month

Friedrich Nietzsche - "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

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