Friday, June 19, 2009 |
Reading for your Weekend |
FP: Ignore All the Iran Experts - Predictions about Iran are about a Dime a Dozen these days -- and that's about how much they're worth
Slate: Doubting Twitter
Salon: Twitter won't bring down Ahmadinejad
Slate: Why do Iranian police uniforms say "police" in English?
CSMonitor: Bristol Palin and other Teen Moms: New Trendsetters?
Atlantic: Obama's Grand Rhetorical Strategy: "It's All Connected"
Economist: Coverage of the protests: Twitter 1, CNN 0
New Republic: Graduation Season: Why Do Students Have To Wait Until 21 To Commence?
CSMonitor: With 'Buy Chinese' edict, another nation tiptoes toward Protectionism
Newsweek: Why Your Laptop's Batteries Die So Fast
Newsweek: How a Lack of Money Can Worsen Physical Pain
Newsweek: Consumerism: It's An Evolutionary Urge
Newsweek: A New Age of Global Capitalism Starts Now
Atlantic: The alluring Sammy Sosa Cocktail: One part steroids (maybe), Five parts media (definitely)
Atlantic: The Problem with Fareed Zakaria
New Yorker: Postcards from Equatorial Guinea
Economist: The future of Broadband: And access for All
Slate: Step aside, Windows. The Web browser is coming to save the day
Mother Jones: Doctors Boo Obama
New Yorker: Decoding Chinese Humor
FP: In Defense of Meat
Atlantic: The Growing Demand for Goat Meat
Slate: Can Alexa Chung Save MTV?
Slate: The CEO of my favorite nonprofit earns more than $200,000. Is that outrageous?
Slate: Why do so many people say they voted for Obama when they didn't?
Economist: Venezuela's oil-dependent economy: Socialism on the Never-Never
Newsweek: Why Elections Don't Make Democracy
TIME: Librarians vs. Google - Fighting the Web Giant's Book Deal
TIME: Pope Benedict vs. the Lefebvrites
Salon: Why We Can't just eat One
Salon: Who hates Who in Iran
CSMonitor: Mexico's Drug War seeps Southward, Too
CSMonitor: Ahmadinejad's new best friend: Hugo Chávez?
Economist: France and Africa: They came to Bury him, not Praise him
CSMonitor: Gabon leader's death revives debate over France's cozy ties with former colonies
Economist: Russia and Western clubs: No thanks, Geneva
Economist: Argentina's mid-term election: The glass empties for the Kirchners
Economist: BRICs, Emerging Markets and the World Economy: Not just Straw Men
Economist: Australia and anti-Indian violence: Regrettable facts
Newsweek: Opinion: Why I Support Legal Late-Term Abortions
New Republic: What To Make Of The Russian Media’s Reaction To Iran?
Economist: North Korea - The Kim family saga: 3rd & Final Act
Economist: The mayor of Los Angeles: Down and perhaps Gov. |
posted by Flaco @ 12:34 AM  |
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 |
Tomorrow Work Starts ... Again |
Tomorrow I start my new job! It's very likely the last time I will ever have to "pay my dues" for a sweet future job by resume building using no-pay internship and externship positions for the rest of my life, thankfully. It's nice to do things pro bono pro humanitate but it's far nicer to do them and be rewarded with more than just experience. When I was in college, I might have been very nervous about my first day, but at this stage I feel a lot more confident, even if I might be unprepared for what I'm doing in the beginning.
I'm excited for my sister, who's had a wonderful time at the Kripalu Yoga Institute in Stockbridge, MA, and is now about to move on to her next job - as of late, possibly New York! I am a warm-weather person, but I love NYC. While I wouldn't think of attempting to raise a family there, I wouldn't be averse to living there at some point for a little while before kids come along - I think "the City" is probably my fourth-favorite city in the U.S., after Seattle, the South Florida/Florida Keys area, and New Orleans - so it would be a really sweet trip if she did end up there, but wherever she ends up, I just hope it's a good job and something she likes, it'll be pretty cool to see what part of the country she moves to. |
posted by Flaco @ 5:09 PM  |
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 |
Trip Results! |
The trip to Delaware was fantastic! I wrote more about it on my "Other" blog, MyLifeinTimesRoman.
Before I go to bed, I saw a blip on CNBC that was really interesting - a program called "Meeting of the Minds: The Future of Capitalism - essentially a panel forum discussion including several active and/or former CEO's and CEO-like-types, in addition to a single urban political activist, led by Maria Bartiromo, dicussing recent modifications of the open-market economy and their subsequent implications.
Before I go to sleep, I found something said by one panel member, Mohamed El-Erian, really interesting, and wanted to include it here just as food for thought. El-Erian argued that the U.S. system of banking, credit, lending, etc. - incentivized self-destructively. What did El-Erian diagnose as a key ingredient of the recession? A U.S financial system that incentivizes consumption, but not investment.
I had to think about that for a second, but it makes total sense.
posted by Flaco @ 1:17 AM  |
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Name: Flaco
About Me: Just another thinker.
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